TRETS: 26.7.2018
2 Corinthians 10.3-5, Ephesians 6. 10-18
Life is not to be taken casually. “He who takes life casually will soon be made a casualty of life”. Everyone in life is in a battle front knowingly or unknowingly. The believer, in particular, is constantly engaging in spiritual warfare consciously or otherwise. However, fighting against the unseen forces of Satan and his demonic agents can neither be done in human capacity nor with secular weapons. It takes Strategic utilized Spiritual weapons to win the orchestrated spiritual battles of the enemy. Therefore, The Christian, as a soldier, is not just to see himself as being in the war front but must know his weapons distinctly and equally understand their individual utilization for the maximum result of victory. This exactly is Paul’s message to believers in our text today. He emphasizes our inevitable warfare against the enemy, He confirmed our undefeatable weapons and strategy; and He assures us of our winning strategies and victory in battle.
Believer’s Warfare against Satanic Coalitions. 2 Cor. 10.3, John 10.10, 1 Peter 2.11, James 1.14-16, Numbers 22. 1, 4-7, Num 25.1, Matt. 4.1-11,
As believers, our warfare against the devil is not just a “one-all” battle. It is multidirectional and perpetual, as we must expect are both internal and external onslaught. The chief enemy of the believer is Satan, the Devil. He is not human but spiritual, yet he uses human elements to attack, oppose and war against believer. He has his cohorts and lieutenants in high wicked places supporting his mission against Christians in all ages and every nation. Remember that we wrestle not against flesh and blood though he may appear in human strategy (Eph. 6.12). Their focus is not against your person, but because you had decided for the Lord. The moment you repent of your sins and profess Christ as your Lord and savior, giving your life to him, the battle line is drawn. The overall goal of your enemy is “to kill, to steal and to destroy” (John 10.10). We must, therefore, earnestly contend against our own fleshly lust, passions and desires (internal); and we also confront wicked forces in high places (external). To overcome Satan, you must make sure you are born again, and be renewed from this prevailing negative practices in the world. Sin must have been conquered, Self must have been crushed and himself must have been crucified to the Lord. Satan plotted the destruction of Israel through Moab. He hired Balaam the false prophet to curse the people of God. When he failed, then he resulted in using seduction through the lust of the flesh and many of them died
Biblical Weapons and Strength in time of Conflicts. Eph. 6. 10-18, 2 Cor. 10.4-6, 1 John 5. 4-5,
The Believer’s weapons are classified into two. There are the defensive weapons used to defend, shield and protect ourselves from the arrows of the enemy. These are helmet of salvation, girdle of truth, breastplate of righteousness, the gospel of peace, the shield of faith and the sword of the Spirit i.e the Word of God. The second class is the offensive weapons used to attack the enemy and conquer in battle. In warfare, we are not only to protect ourselves from their attacks, we are also called to demolish all their strongholds and demonstrate ability to stand firmly in the days of adversity. These two classes of Christian weapons are integrated together and complement each other. A true Christian reads, believes and obey Gods word, and he is automatically preserved by God from dangers. Yet he claims those promises and speaks the Word at the devil, and the plots of the enemy literarily crumble. These weapons are powerful because they are spiritual. The church becomes strong when we live righteously and demonstrate power over sin, Satan and the flesh. We must practically resist the devil through our obedience to God’s word (James 4.7). We must subject our thoughts and actions to the obedience of Christ and His will, knowing that nothing is hidden from Him (Titus 2.12). We must also watch our intentions and guide our eyes from every evil appearances that may corrupt us and make us defiled hence becoming vulnerable to Satan (I Thess. 5.22). However, watchfulness and prayer is the key offensive weapon against the enemy. A true Christian must be ready to pray earnestly to overcome the enemy claiming the words of God and throwing them at the devil as missiles. He must also be in readiness to avenge the devil and exercise authority through the Name of Jesus, the blood of Jesus, the undefeatable power of God, and through the confidence in God’s presence. Examples in scriptures of such missiles are Isa. 54.14-17 promise of protection from the enemy, Isa 41.11-14 preservation against the gathering of evil forces, Ps 119.165- Prayer for peace in the midst of troubles, Ps. 32.8 Prayer for guidance and direction in time of confusion, Numbers 23.23 Prayer to cancel the devices of Satan, 2 Sam. 15.31 Prayer in time of conspiracy. Prov.18.10- Power through His name, Isa. 43.2-Divine presence, the blood of the lamb Rev.12-11, His delegated authority over demons Luke 10.19.Deliverance from every curse Gal. 3.13. Remember, righteousness of life brings boldness in prayer. Christians in warfare must be ready to pray all forms of prayers – of praises, intercession, authority, power, and all form of prayers should be utilized to completely demolish the strong holds of the devil. The weapon of prayer is further enhanced with fasting. But we must ensure we have total faith in God for it is God the answers and not by power nor by might. (Mark 11.23, James 5.13-15)
Beneficial Winning Strategy of Christians in all Battles Ephesians 6. 17-18Job. 11.13-19, Psalm 50.14-15, Job 22. 27-29,
Having understood the efficacy of our Spiritual weapons, our strategy in battle is very crucial as it determines how soon the door of victory is opened. Careful self-examination is the first step in winning life’s battle. Effective uses of our weapons make us to have results much faster but contradictory lifestyle and omissions will hinder our victory. (i) The power of praises. Our praises glorifies God. When we praise Him in time of trouble, we act in faith showing Him as giving the solution already. This speeds up God’s intervention in our challenges ( Jehoshaphat and Judah in 2Chron. 20.20-24), (ii) power of personal prayer of faith (1 Chron. 4. 9-10), (iii) power of prayer combined with personal vows and seed sowing (1 Sam. 1. 11), (iv) power of agreement prayer (Matthew 18.18-19, Acts 12. 1, 5-110), (v) power of Apostolic authority (Acts 3.6), (vi) prayer in congregational agreement (Acts 4.31). Prayer in unknown tongues and manifestation of the gifts of the spirits (1 Corinth 12. 7.) and Power in the Blood of Jesus Rev. 12. 11. When we effectively use these weapons with authority in Christ, prison doors shall be opened, chains shall be loosed, yokes shall be broken, storms shall be silenced, bitterness shall be turned to sweetness and poverty shall give way to prosperity in our lives in Jesus name
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