PRONOUNCED PROMISES TO HEAVEN-BOUND CHRISTIANS Heb. 4.16, Heb. 10. 19, 21-22, Matt. 7.7-9, Matt 21:22; Mark 11:24; Lu 11:9-10; 18:1; John 14:13; John 15:7; John 16:23-24; Jas 1:5-6; 1John 3:22; 1 John 5:14-15
The Lord had pronounced great and precious promises to Christians through the scriptures to assure us of answer to our prayers. These promises are the foundation upon which believers prayers are anchored. As God is immutable and His words are dependable, a true believer trusts the promises firmly knowing that heaven and earth may pass away, the Lord’s word will never fail. Some of these promises includes – Matt. 7.7-9, Matt 21:22; Mark 11:24; Lu 11:9-10; 18:1; John 14:13; John 15:7; John 16:23-24; Jas 1:5-6; 1John 3:22; 1 John 5:14-15. Apart from blanket prayer of answer to prayers, God also gave promises on specific areas of our lives such as healing, deliverance, provision, protection etc. which believers could claim. These and many other promises give a true believer the confidence that our prayers will definitely be answered when we pray. To adequately claim these promises, a Christian must have a conscience void of offense towards God and man, pray in Jesus Name, ensure that his request is according to God’s will and His laid down principles.
Although God has given us these unfailing promises, yet for our prayers to be answered, it must be in accordance with scriptural pattern (i) Must be according to the will of God (1 Jn. 5.14), (ii) Must be asked in faith with total trust in God that He can solve the problem (Matt. 9.28, Rom. 4.19), (iii) Must be persistent. Not relenting but constantly asking till you gets the result (Luke 18.1), (iv) Must also be fervent. Cold and lukewarm prayers don’t show the passion of a true seeker (Gen 32.26, Matt. 11.12), (v) Must sometimes be with fasting (Matt. 17.21), (vi) Such prayer must be purposeful. A seeker must know what he needs and we must direct our prayer to the point (James 4.2-3). However, there is the biblical pattern of prayer which will always bring results when we lift up holy hands to the Lord in prayer. (a) We must begin with Praises, Thanksgiving and Worship to the Lord (Ps. 100.4), (b)Then we must make confession of our shortcomings and failures in service, ministry or even in our families before Him and express our need for more grace. (c) Prayer of Consecration and submission is very necessary to surrender everything to His will and His word, also to consecrate our time to Him (Heb 10.7), (d) Prayer of inquiry. When there is a situation you don’t understand, then this is very crucial to unravel the mystery surrounding a situation (2 Samuel 21.1), (e)) Prayer of binding and loosing (Matt. 18.18, Jere. 40.4), Prayer of agreement (Matt. 18.19), (f) Praying in the Spirit with unknown tongues (Eph. 6.13, 1 Cor. 14.2)
POWER OF PREVAILING PRAYER WITH HOLY HANDS 1 Jn. 5. 14-15, James 5.2Kings 19.14-16, 19-20, Isa. 38. 1-5,
When a child of God LIFTS UP holy hands to God according to the pronounced promises, there is an express answer. In times of trials, temptations, and troubles, the true believer needs not to fear but to manifest total faith and confidence in the Lord for the needed miracle. Righteousness of life and purity of heart makes a Christian have power and authority in prayer. This was the kind of prayer of Hezekiah when Sennacherib gathered his army to besiege the people of Judah and God gave instantaneous victory (2Kings 19.14-16, 19-20). He also prayed with such power and authority when Isaiah the prophet brought negative prophecy of death. God heard him and reversed the death sentence (Isa. 38. 1-5),. When Elijah also came at Mount Carmel against the prophets of Baal, He, through such prayer of authority God answered by fire (1 Kings 18. 36-39). Other people that prayed with such power and authority include Moses, Daniel, Hannah, Jacob and many more. You can also add yourself to the catalog today if you learn to pray with holy hands without doubting. He will answer you in Jesus Name.
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