Saturday, 18 August 2018


Philippians 3.7-15, 2 Timothy 1.8-10, Heb. 3.1, Heb. 12.1

Our call to salvation and to the kingdom of God is with the precious blood of the very Son of God. Every born again child of God is washed and cleansed with the blood of Jesus (1 Cor. 6.11). And he bears the holy seed of the calling of the Lord upon himself. To be born again, the sinner must have repented of his sins and had accepted Jesus as Lord and personal Saviour. Thereafter, he takes upon him his cross and follows the Lord everywhere. Paul the Apostle emphasize here that though he was converted, yet he would still “… press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus.” In the same way, the believer today must endeavor to understand the depth, the scope and the benefits of his calling in Christ. This will enable him to appreciate its peculiarities, purpose, and profits of God’s calling to himself. The scriptures confirm that we, as believers have a High calling, being called by the most High God Himself. We also have the heavenly calling, i.e our calling is from the heavenly father and the goal of every believer must be to live with Him in heaven forever. It is also a holy calling being called by the Holy God into the Holy covenant through the holy blood of Jesus. Therefore, the Christian must remain holy in character and conduct, he must be heavenly minded and he must also live with a higher consecration to the Lord. Appreciating our calling in this manner makes God continue His everlasting benefits upon us as believers.

THE CALL TO SALVATION AND HOLINESS OF LIFE Leviticus 19.1,2, Gen.12.1, Gen. 17.1, 1 Peter 1. 15-16, 1 Peter 2.9, Titus 2. 11-13,

Like the children of Israel, God brought believers out of the slavery and captivity of sin, the world and corrupt religious practices by the power of His word and His blood. He called Abraham to “walk before me and be thou perfect” and he obeyed following God in holiness. In the same way, having called us and washed us by His blood, he gives a command to all His children today: Ye shall be Holy. This command covers every area of our lives as believers to fulfil His purpose. God’s purpose in redemption was to redeem for Himself a peculiar people, separated from sin, from the fleshly lust and from the worldly pollutions. He wants to build a relationship with those that are called by His name. Therefore, we are (i) called out of sin (1 Cor. 15.34), (ii) called out of the world (2 Cor. 6.17), (iii) called out of all fleshly lust and (1 John 2.15-17), (iv) Called out of spiritism and occultism (Deut. 18.9-12), (v) We are called to holiness (Rom. 6. 18-19), we are called unto entire sanctification and holiness (1 Thess 4. 3-4), (vii) we are called to godliness and humility (Titus 2. 11-12)   

OUR CALL TO CONSECRATION AND SUBMISSION TO HIS LORDSHIP Gen. 22. 1-10, Romans 12. 1-2, Luke 9.23, John 4.34, Acts 24.16, 1 Thess. 4.4,

The higher calling of God to His children is to enter into a higher relationship with Him. Just as the saints of old submitted themselves to the Lord in total obedience, consecration, and honor, so also does he demands from believers today. As Abraham obeyed God even in yielding and submitting his Isaac to God, so also God expects every believer to do with our lives. Our greatest desire should be to live lives of holy worship and devotion to God. We are to offer our bodies and belongings as a consecrated vessel to God and for His holy service. Self-denial and cross-bearing must characterize our lifestyle and we must be totally yielded to the Lord’s commands. Doing the will of God must also be our topmost priority (John 4.34). Our consciences must be free from every sinful trait against anyone as we follow peace with all men. Having this as our watchword, we must jealously guide our salvation and be sure that as we walk in this world of sin, we remain purified from the pollution of this world and its allurements. Lastly, we must cultivate the habit of regular prayer and supplication to the Lord, and be interceding for the lost so they also could be delivered from the chains of the devil.

CALL TO COMPASSIONATE SOULWINNING TOWARDS THE LOST Isaiah 6. 1-6, Matthew 28. 18-20, Isaiah 62. 6-7, Ezekiel 3. 17-21, 2 Tim. 4.1-2, Acts 26. 13-19, Matthew 25. 34-40,  Ezekiel 22.30

After we had received the cleansing and the calling from the Lord, our duty and responsibility are to respond positively to the command of the Lord and the cry of the lost. Like Christ, we must be compassionate as His children and understand that this is the heavenly vision given to us. If this command grips our hearts, then we should also be able to say “here am I, send me!” Isaiah rose up promptly and positively, Ezekiel also answered immediately. Paul the Apostle said, “I am not disobedient to the heavenly vision”. As blood washed saints, we are to preach the word purposefully, painstakingly, persistently, patiently, perseveringly, and prayerfully. Our message should be to point them to their guilty and sinful lifestyle, and their depravity. We are also to prayerfully preach to open their spiritual eyes, and to turn their understanding to the Lord. We are to preach Christ the crucified as the only way to Salvation (Acts 4.12), We are also to lead them to sustained Christian living through adequate follow-up and discipleship. Carrying out these responsibilities makes the believer fulfilled in the love of God and to attract His tremendous blessings of protection, preservation, provisions and eternal inheritance in heaven.                               

GHS: 2, 19 & 124

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