TRETS: JULY 12, 2018
Mark 16.15, Matthew 10.32-33, Acts 8.4,
To speak for Christ is to confess Christ everywhere we go, in secrete and in public. It means, to acknowledge the Lord Jesus Christ, and our dependence on him for salvation, and our attachment to him, in every proper manner. We must never be ashamed neither of the person, the character, the doctrines, nor the requirements of Christ. If we are; if we deny him in these things before men, or are unwilling to express our attachment to him in every way possible, then it is right that he should disown all connection with us, or deny us, before God. However, unusual places are the places where we go by providence and by divine rearrangement. Some of these places include Palaces of kings and governors, market places, before our boss in work places etc. Note, that our presence at such unusual places nay not necessarily be to our pleasure. But whichever way it is, we are called to confess Christ and defend the faith everywhere.
Charge and the Pattern of Speaking for Christ everywhere. Matt 28.19-20. Mark 16.15, Matt.10.32, Lu 12:8; Ro 10:9-10; Re 3:5
Believers everywhere are called and charged to speak for Christ in every places they go. To speak for Christ is to defend our Christian faith and to use every opportunity at our disposal to preach the gospel. This is what our calling and commission entails. Confessing Christ begins by giving our lives to him and speaking out of the crowd to declare that we are sinners and needs forgiveness. This is the primary confession of everyone who wants to be with Christ forever. However, believers must be firm in their conviction that Christ is the Lord and be ready to speak for this everywhere. The manner by which we must speak for Christ includes:. (i) Confessing our Sins before Him at Salvation, (ii) Contending for the faith in Christ (Jude 3), ( ii) manifesting purposeful mind against worldliness and worldly pollutions and corruptions (iv) Preaching Christ always against false doctrine and error, (vi) when you maintain your stand as a Christian in spite of the opposition of bribery and sharp practices, (vii) In times of Persecutions when we bear the pain and reproach without denying our master. In all these occasions, the mission of a believer is to maintain a purposeful character that will draw others to the Saviour. We must not allow any situation to overwhelm us and make us succumb to the pressure of the world and to Satan.
Courageous People who spoke for Christ everywhere. 1 Cor. 4.5-11,
Speaking for Christ in unusual places can only be possible when a believer had given everything he is to Christ completely. Paul the Apostle declared that he and all his team members were able to speak for Christ in spite of the reproach and persecutions in his time. We also see some other examples in the scriptures which include (i) (iii) The woman of Samaria at the well spoke for Christ by preaching to all Samaria (John 4. 27-30), (iv) Peter and John spoke for Christ preaching the gospel in spite of threatening and beatings by the Jews (Acts 4. 14-21), (v) Paul and Silas were imprisoned and yet spoke for Christ. The Philippian jailor and his house were saved (Acts 16.25-32). Paul the Apostle when he spoke in judgment before King Agrippa (Acts 26. 24-31),
Consequences of Preaching and Speaking for Christ everywhere John 4. 39-42, Acts 5. 26-29, Acts 26.28, Dan. 3. 23-30,
Great manifestations of God’s power, signs and miracles follows when we speak for Christ and present Him purposefully to the people. Though these people may not be expecting to hear such message at such times and places, yet when we courageously pass the message across, it hits the heart of the hearers like a hammer and breaks them down for the Spirit’s conviction of their sins. The Jews couldn’t deny the penetration of God’s words in their time but to declare “ye had filled Jerusalem with your doctrine”. If we can be bold like them, and speak for Christ like them, God will use us to bring Salvation to our communities. Agrippa declared that Paul almost persuaded him to be Christian (Acts 26.28), through the courage of Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego, king Nebuchadnezzar became astonished and he reversed the satanic decree in the land.
When we speak for Christ always, we shall confirm the faith of the weak, we shall bring others to the Lord, we shall bring joy to our communities, we shall have evil decrees and manipulations reversed in our land, we shall have peace in our hearts, our churches shall increase and disciples shall be multiplied. Signs and wonders shall return to the church and revival shall fill our communities. However, we cannot have such courage to speak without prayer, without fire, without purging away the worldly attachments from us, without burning away the encumbrances of the world from our minds, and without complete consecration of our lives, hearts, times and being to the Lord. We must pray back this consecration into our lives tonight so we can see our signs again.
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