Psalm 85.6, Ezekiel 37. 1-10
Psalm 85.6, Ezekiel 37. 1-10
Will you not revive us again Oh Lord! The writer of this Psalm had seen the era of the mighty works of God and had heard of God’s power through signs and miracles in Israel. But now he compared the deplorable conditions of Israel and its leadership to the good old days when they enjoyed the supernatural from God. He came to the conclusion that God is the only One who can change the situation by His mighty power. The same happens in our lives today and in our church and community. Many things we see shows and prove that we need revival.
When a Christian becomes cold and lukewarm in his service to God becomes mechanical, he needs revival. When his joy begins to turn into depression in the course of time and at the space of present predicaments, when our love begins to decrease due to disappointments in life, when his prayer life becomes choked with the activities of his busy life and he finds it difficult to prayer again, when his service for the Lord is losing excitement and it becomes monotonous without the grease of joy for Gods work, when his desire for the word and the strong meat of God’s word is disappearing and his quiet time has become just a mere formality. When his faith in God is giving way to the fear of man and every little challenge becomes a trouble to the believer, then there is need for revival. When righteous living becomes difficult and there is no more thirst for God's word or His will, there is need for revival. God have to do something in you before he can do something through you. God needs a man like Moses, Elijah, Nehemiah, Peter, Paul etc to bring back the message of revival to his children and to change the world today. Will he find you faithful? We need revival.
Pathetic Conditions that Requires personal revival Ps. 74. 1-11, Ps 141.7, 2 Chron 15.3, Ephesians 2. 12,
Israel saw the wilderness experience in their lives and they knew they could die without help if they failed to cry for revival. They had fallen into the hands of the enemies and they can see the reproach upon them. They were described in many ways in scriptures which shows their deplorable conditions. We also today can check up our lives and see if these conditions and characteristics are in our lives (i) spiritual lethargy, Lukewarmness, coldness (Rev. 3.16), Spiritual Deadness (Rev 3.1), Deafness ( Jere. 6.17), Hopeless in troubles (Job 7.6), helpless under untold yoke and burden (Rom. 7.24), Sicknesses and diseased (1 Cor. 11.30)
Price for Personal Revival Isa. 57.15, 2Tim. 2.21, Joel 2. 12-13, 15-16.
We have a price to pay when we are pursuing revival. We cannot sit down and expect the sudden change. We must be determined that we will identify the causes of these degradation and choose to respond to God’s voice. The following are some of the basic steps we need to take for a true revival to begin.
(i)Repentance and Righteousness with complete humility (Matt. 18.3), (ii) Hate Sin and not love the world (1 John 2.15), (iii) Conscience void of offence towards God and towards man (Acts 24.16), (iv) Holy and pure in heart and life (1 Peter 1.15-16), (v) Filled and be baptized with the Spirit of God (Luke 24.49, Acts 1.8), (vi) Close fellowship and relationship with God in lifestyle and communion (Ps. 63.1, Ps. 84.2), (vii) Receive instructions daily from God and not depend on the flesh and are fully surrendered to God (Ps. 32.8), (viii) Have conviction of God’s purpose and plan for the church and for his works in Calling Sinners to repentance every opportunity, (ix) Must be a man of prayer closet and surrendered to God in prayer and preaching (Ezek. 22.30)
Prayer for personal revival Hab 2.3, Ezekiel 37. 10, Acts 4.24-31, Joel 2. 18-27, Ezek. 22.30
No man is greater than his prayer life. He that would be revived by God must renew his altar of prayer. It is when our prayer comes from the heart and changes our life that true revival can begin. God is looking for a man who will come into communion with him to change the world for Him. Moses, Ezekiel, Daniel and Peter could achieve this revival in their time because they gave themselves to prayer and supplication. We cannot get anything that will change and transform souls of men without heart-felt prayer to God. When our prayer touches heaven. Then there will be renewal, resurrection, restoration and recovery of every thing we had lost. This will come through the effectual fervent prayer of the people of God this night.
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