Tuesday, 1 August 2017


          Matthew 5.13-16, Philippians 2. 14-15
The presence of Christians is to bring savour and brightness into this dark wicked world through our lives and the impact of our relationship as followers of Christ. As Christ was the Light of the world, so are we supposed to be in our communities shining the light of the gospel to the darkness of our society. Furthermore we are to sweeten our neighborhood as salts with the grace of God in us. Not only are we to preach to them but also to demonstrate the power of the gospel through our lives of gentleness, love, kindness and purity in spite of the pollutions and selfishness of the society. This shall however bring glory to the name of the Lord and win souls into the kingdom, but careless believers and compromisers shall definitely loose their grace and be cast out into punishment and perdition. Therefore let us walk and work while it is day for the night cometh when no man can work. We are “to do all the good we can, to all the men we can and with all the time we have so as to gain all the souls we can for the Lord”, we will never lose our rewards in Jesus Name.
CHARACTERISTICS OF SALTS AND LIGHTS IN THE WORLD Matt. 5. 13-16, Phil.2.15, Matt. 18.3, John 8.12, John 9.5, Gal. 5.22-23, Col. 4.6.
As salt and light are valuable to provide savour, brightness and illumination to the users, so also are we believers in the community we live. Believers are therefore characterised as salts and light in that they are to be good examples to the world around us. As salt is inevitable in every day life, so also are we to be in this sorrowful and carlous world. And as light brings sanity and direction in the darkness, so also are to be to our confused society around bringing the light of the gospel to them. This can only be done through our life, love and light in the community we dwell. However, to be a true believer that will exemplify Christ, then we must firstly converted, be born again and give our lives totally to the Lord (Matt. 18.3). Jesus Christ is the Light of the world (Jn. 8.12, Jn. 9.5) and except we firstly come to Him, we cannot be light in our community. Then we need to fully consecrate our lives to Him as our Lord and Savior bearing the fruits of the spirit everywhere we go.  We must also allow “the words of Christ” to be the lamp of our feet, dwelling in us richly so we can truly illuminate the light of Christ to the world. And fully give ourselves to spreading His words of salvtion in our community through our lives and messages. It’s only then we can truly bear the following characteristics of Salts and Lights in the world around us. (i). Salt as a seasoning agent, preserves food items from decay and corruption. When we come in contact with sinful people, our stand should be made known to them that sin is deadly and destructive. Sooner or later, they will get convicted anytime they see us and by so doing, we shall preserve the community from further decay. (ii), Salt sweetens and flavors. We as believers should, through our interactions and relationship, speak to comfort the discouraged and the weary ones showing to them mercies and kindness in order to win them to the Saviour Jesus Christ (Col. 3.12). We should also demonstrate kindness and love in distributing to the necessity of all the needy around us (Heb 13.16). Also, note that salt is one of the least ingridients in cooking; we must so humble ourselves to others so that the grace and the glory of God can be realised in us (Phil. 2.3). Our lives should be characterized by the message of hope to the hopeless world. Moreover, salt is white, symbolizing purity. We should remain pure from the pollution and corruption of the world. (Rom. 12. 2). Furthermore, as lights in the world, we must be leading the people around us to Christ always through the word of our mouth and the work of our hands. Our preaching bears more power when we show godly character (Phil. 2.15), As Christians, the life we live will either point the unbelievers more to the Lord or farther away from Him.

. Matt. 5.13, 1 Tim 1.16, Matt. 25.1-13, Rev. 3. 14-19.
It is unfortunate that instead of being a shining light to the world, many so-called believers are merely slotful and lukewarm church-goers. They only profess to be Christians in name but in deed, they are far from Christ. These are those who had lost their savour and are good for nothing other than to cast them out to be trodden under foot of men. If a seasoning like salt loses its savour, it’s of no value anymore. A Christian who makes no effort to influence its community positively have no value to God and no good to man.
Slotful and lukewarm church goers are of various categories, but none of them is good before the Lord. Some are coming to the church but had never repented of their sins nor forsake them, while some others who claimed to have been born again had backslidden in the heart through worldliness and affection to the world. Others are in the categories of indifference and slothfulness that are never bold enough to declare their stand for Christ. These people do not have the grace of God in them to live as salt in the world nor shine as light in their community. They had allowed their salt to lose its savor through carelessness, prayerlessness, worldly attractions, business pursuit or talkativeness. Many are neither hot nor cold but are just “Christians in name only”. They therefore stand the danger of being cast out from the presence of the Lord. Examples of such are Ananias and Saphira, Judas Iscariot, Korah, Datan and Abiram etc. These were people who were renown in the church but had lost their savor. Apart from being rejected, their prayers would not be answered, they lost the favour of God, and they lost the presence of God in eternity. Christ prescribed remedy for the church in Laodicea was repentance. Only true repentance and faith in God can redeem such people from the calamities and restore them into the household of grace to shine as light in the world.
CONSEQUENCES OF SHINING AS LIGHTS FOR CHRIST’S GLORY. Matt. 5.16, Acts 8. 5-8, 2 Kings 2.19-22, Ps. 112.9, Matt. 25. 31-40, Isa. 60.1-22

The consequence of radiating the gospel light to the world is very great. The people around us in the community will be edified by our good loving works, and the name of the Lord shall be glorified. Secondarily, God looks at us as obedient children who are appreciative of His blessings and He gives us more. Principally, we enjoy the peace and eternal joy from the Lord within us, and then we are able to pass the salt around to others. Our communities shall therefore become happy and joyful, ready to hear the gospel. In the same way, we enjoy the light of the gospel and we are able to send out the light to others in darkness. Consequently, revival begins in our communities. Salvation of souls will be much easier. The power of the Holy Ghost will be at work. The working of miracles will flow easily and many closed doors will continuously be opened for breakthroughs. In this atmosphere, our churches will grow rapidly and many souls shall be added to the local churches. Even the faith of discouraged believers will be lifted up and the fellowship will be warm and dynamic for the Lord. In all these the name of the Lord will be glorified. Phillip shined as light in the city of Samaria and brought great joy into the city. We also should steadfastly endeavor to shine in our community for God’s glory. Elisha applied salt to the source of the bitter water river and prophesied prosperity and sweetness to the land, and the poverty was gone (2Kings 2.19-22). We also as shining lights can speak the word of God by faith into the problems of our community and peace, prosperity and possibilities will emerge in every corner. As such, the joy and jubilation of salvation and power of God shall spread throughout our land. In the end, we shall reign with the Lord in eternity. Believers! Arise and Shine, for thy light has come..Isa. 60.1

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