Wednesday, 23 August 2017


TRETS 24/08/2017
Romans 4. 18 -22, 1 Kings 8. 54-56.
The uniform testimony of scriptures always affirms that God is faithful to His word and His promises. Therefore, believers are called to always manifest confident in God’s promises no matter what their challenge may be. Abraham and Sarah were both stricken in age and their condition was completely against biological expectancy for conception, but God gave them the promise of a seed even in this old age. Though it was contrary to nature, they held on to God’s promises by faith, and God fulfilled His words. Israel later had to consider their wandering in through the wilderness with God being so faithful to His promises to them declared through Solomon their king “there hath not failed one word of all his good promise, which he promised by the hand of Moses his servant”.  The Lord wants Christians today to remember that He is still the same unchanging God. His words and promises are still yea and amen and still as reliable as ever. When we manifest faith and confidence in His promises, He is faithful and powerful enough to perform our expectations and fulfil our desires based on His promises. He can never fail. The scriptures assure us that God is not a man, that He should lie… His promises are dependable, reliable and immutable for anyone to stand upon. Therefore, as you trust God today for the situation in your life, family and business or work, the Lord shall prove His faithfulness in your life in Jesus Name.

HOPELESS CONDITIONS THAT REQUIRE GOD’S PROMISES. Gen. 17. 3-6, 15-17,  2Kings 20.1, John 9.1,6-7, 1Kings 17.12-13,
The hopelessness of Abraham’s condition made felt being teased by God when He promised him of Isaac. The promise looked unachievable because, to him, this is a hopeless situation. He laughed, thinking it was an impossible joke. God is never a joker, whatever He says, He will surely do. Challenges sometimes come to a believer that makes life miserable. Sometimes, sicknesses and afflictions may overwhelm the life like it happened to Job. At other times, it may be poverty and financial crisis that takes away the wine at home. To some others, it is a delay in childbearing (like Abraham) or other family predicaments. Even in the spiritual, there is the possibility of dryness to the point of confusion in ministry. Yet, God is still on the throne and His promises are still as powerful as ever. These hopeless conditions may linger for a while yet God’s promises will always overthrow the crisis. The scriptures say in Psalm 30.5weeping may endure for a night, but joy cometh in the morning” The believer need, at this point, to look less on the problem and focus more on God, holding on to His unfailing promises.

HELPFUL COLLECTION OF GOD’S PROMISES.   2 Peter 1. 3-4, Ezek. 36. 25-30,
God had given us these promises to make us peculiar to Himself and partakers of His eternal inheritance. Knowing these promises and standing on them makes us constantly secured in times of danger and disaster. These include: the promise of

(i)               Adoption, Salvation, sanctification and Spirit baptism  (John 1.12, Ezek. 36. 25-30), Abundant provision (Phil.4.19, Eph. 3.20, Job. 22. 23-25), Answer to prayers (Isa. 58.9, Ps. 50.15, Jer. 33.3),  
(ii)            The promise of overflowing Blessings (Deut. 28.2-12),
(iii)          Calmness and comfort in trouble (Isa 54. 11-17, Ps. 23.4),
(iv)   Defense in time of battle (Ps. 20.1, Job 22.25), Dominion over all oppositions (Judg 5.13, Isa. 58.8) , Deliverance from evil (Ps. 41. 1-2, Ps. 20.1-4,),
(v)         Enlargement of Coast (Gen. 17.6, 22.17), , Enemy to our enemies (Exo. 23.22), Fullness of Christ, His grace and riches (Col. 2. 9-15, Eph. 4.13),
(vi)          Fruitfulness  (Gen. 1.28, Gen. 17.6, 28.3, Lev. 26.9, Ps. 128.3, Isa. 29.17, Jer. 23,3, Col.1.10),  
(vii)       His  Goodness and Grace, (Jer. 31.14, Exo. 33.19), divine Guidance and direction (Isa. 58.11, Ps. 32.8, Isa. 42. 13, 16), 
(viii)     Holiness and heaven (John 14.3, Lev. 19.2), Protection, Preservation and Promotion (Ps. 91. 1-16),
(ix)          Healing and Health (Ex. 15.26, Ex. 23.25-26),
(x)             Eternal Life (Titus 1.2, 1 Jn 2.24-25) and many more

HOLDING ON TO GOD’S PROMISES THROUGH FAITH AND PRAYER James 1. 5-6,  James 5. 13-18, Ps. 6.2, 9.13, Matt. 15.22-28, Mark 10. 47-48, Mark 11. 22-24

God's promises are always available to His true children. Only sinners cannot be partakers of these unlimited treasures of God's kingdom. The sinner needs to first repent and give his life to Christ before he can become a partaker of this. However, every believer has the privilege to claim God’s in-exhaustive promises according to his or her need. And every one who has needed has a promise of God he can claim in scriptures. All who prayed and claimed His promises are delivered and their requests are given. All we need is to manifest faith in God, knowing that His promises are yea and Amen. The Canaanite woman came to Jesus. He knew God will never reject anyone and in spite of the opposition and discouragement of Christ’s disciples, she waited until she received an answer to her request. Blind Bartimeus also received his sight due to the persistent prayer of faith. Whatever your problem, you need to constantly hold on to God’s unfailing promises through faith. He will never fail you.  God’s promises are dependable, available and always powerful enough to move all your mountains. Tonight pray fervently like Jabez and claim the promises of the God of Israel. You shall receive the answer to your prayer in Jesus name.   

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