2 Cor. 4.15-18, 2 Cor. 4.16-18
by faith is an excellent way of life by which a believer cast all his trust and
confidence in God without looking back in spite of challenges of this present
time. It is the life that pleases God because such a person had completely
yielded to God, and so lived for God and His glory. He doesn’t compromise his
stand to please the world nor the flesh, but to do God’s will and to enter into
His rest at last. Such a person is profoundly blessed because God takes over his
burdens and eliminated his concerns assuring him in all his ways from earth to
heaven. The opposite is to walk by sight which is living by the impulse of the
needs and challenges of the day. This is a faithless kind of life in which
decisions are made without consulting God and without thinking of God’s holy
standard. This is a dangerous and damnable kind of lifestyle as it leads to
compromise and eventual rejection by God. A Christian who begins his life in
the faith must be careful not to yield to the pressure of the flesh and the
need of the present hour with their temptations. To walk by faith we must be truly
converted to Christ, crucified with Christ, consecrated to Christ’s will and
committed to Christ’s work.
Danger of Walking by Sight 1 Cor 2.14, 3.3, Rom 8.5-8, Gen 12. 10-13, Judges
14. 2-3, 2 Kings 7. 1-2, 18-20, Matt. 16.21-23, Eph. 4.17-20, 2 Thess. 3.11,
Isa. 49.14, Num 13. 27-31, John 1. 46, Gen 21. 14-16, 19, Exo. 14. 10-12.
walk by sight is to be carnally minded. That is to please the flesh and the
world in taste, feeling, and friendship and in all decisions. Paul the Apostle
described this way of life as being carnal and in enmity with God. Carnality,
worldliness and faithlessness bring untold perils to people that engage in
them. Peter was engrossed with the progress of Christ’s earthly ministry and
would have preferred Him physically with them than to go to the cross for our
redemption. He was rebuked by the Lord. When a man allows personal gains, interest,
immediate enjoyment, or even limitations to determine his steps and decisions at
the expense of God’s glory, it brings untold hardship and dilemma. This was the
case of Abraham going down to Egypt without taking counsel from God. He almost
lost his wife. Also Samson lost his life through his carnal and faithless walk
in choosing a wife. Paul the Apostle therefore caution us saying “that
ye henceforth walk not as other Gentiles walk, in the vanity of their mind”
4.17 .
Determination to walk by faith. Heb. 11. 5-6, Gen. 5. 21-24, Gen. 12. 1-2, Gen 17.19,
Rom. 4. 18-22, Rom. 10.17.
by faith requires personal determination and conviction to please God in all
situations and not man nor the flesh. Such faith is founded upon strong confidence
in God after salvation as the only one who can save from sin, heal from all
sicknesses, deliver from all oppressions, provide for all needs and protect
from all dangers. When a man trust God’s ability totally this way and looks up
to Him at any time, God answers speedily. Enoch, Noah, Abraham, Joseph, Moses, Joshua,
Paul and the apostles of old were amongst many who walked by faith and
their faith produced tremendous benefits for them and the generations after
them. To have a consistent walk by faith, we must give our lives to God and grow
in His grace through constant reading, meditation and study of God’s word (Rom
10. 17). We must also determine to obey Him even though He is not
physically present. Moreover, we must be ready to resist all forms of
oppositions and persecutions through our faith in God to make us overcome. Like
Joseph in Egypt (Gen 39.9) and Daniel in Babylon (Dan 1.8, 6.10), we must reject
every action that contradicts our faithfulness to God by deliberately avoiding people,
places, and objects of temptation. We must strongly determine to be established
in faith(Col. 2.7) and continue in faith and faithfulness to God to the
end (Heb
Dominion of winners through faith.
Mark 9.23, Exo. 14.13, Joshua 6.
10, Joshua 10.12, Matt. 8. 5-13, James 5. 16, Phil 4.13.
in God is highly essential for anyone to do exploit in this world. Every
believer who walks by faith is already living to please God and His kingdom,
therefore exploits and dominion is a common phenomenon in their lives. They
constantly live a life of spiritual victory and therefore physical and secular
victory is certain. They constantly maintains their dominion over sin, self and
Satan and this manifest in their day to day lives. To such people, miracles are
regular, normal and naturally come at any time they are confronted with
challenges. Moses simply declared “Fear ye not, stand still, and see the
salvation of the LORD, which he will shew to you to day: for the Egyptians whom
ye have seen to day, ye shall see them again no more forever” and it
was so, Joshua also was able to conquer Jericho by faith and even made a
command by faith and the Sun and the moon stood still. By faith, the centurion
man received healing for his servant. By faith you can also receive whatever
you ask from God, only if you determine to join the winners, who walk by faith.
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