blessedness of Love and Unity in the Church
Rom.12. 9-10, 1
Cor. 12. 14 – 31, Ps. 133.1-3
The Church is a
collection of people redeemed by the blood of the Lamb and purchased by the
precarious sacrifice of Jesus at the Cross of Calvary. The basis of Church
unity is the salvation experience. When everyone in the local church is born
again, then they would have all things common and will form a formidable army
fully prepared to wage war against the onslaught of Satan and fulfill God’s
purpose on earth. The unity of such a glorious church will command great power
and authority both on earth and in heaven. Many souls would be won to the Lord
and many captives of Satan will be set free through such body. However, many
conflicts are being propagated by the Devil today to keep the church separated
and divided, but an awakened church will never give any room to Satan and his
devices. Love and unity will always bring tremendous blessings to any church as
it happened in the early church. This is what we expect in our local churches,
and God will give us this experience in Jesus name.
Causes of Conflicts and Divisions
amongst church membership.
1 Cor 12. 25, Acts 6.1, Rom. 14.13, 1.10-12,
Gal. 5.15, 2 Thess. 3.11, Gal. 2.4, I Cor. 5. 6-7).
Many habits of some
members today are being used by Satan to cause conflicts in the church and threaten
its unity in many areas. The goal of Satan and his agents is to divide the
church and bring disharmony, distrust and disloyalty among the church members.
Satan’s tools include (i) murmuring (Acts 6.1), (ii) contentions and
divisions (1 Cor, 1.10-12), (iii) Prejudice and judgmental spirit (Rom.
14.13), (iv) back-biting Gal. 5.15, (v) mix-multitude having disorderliness
and worldly behaviors (2 Thess. 3.11), (vi) false prophets and their false doctrines if
allowed (Gal. 2.4), (vii) Pride, “holier than thou”
attitude and other secret sins (I Cor. 5. 6-7). (viii)Disobedience
to leadership. (ix) Partiality and nepotism in decisions, (x) carnality and
worliness, selfisheness and lack of consideration for others etc. believers
must eschew these vices and allow God’s love to rule our hearts so that God’s
purpose for our church will be fulfilled.
Commitment to Charity and Unity in the Church.
John 1. 6-9, 1 Cor. 1.10-12, 12: 12-27, Heb 13.1, Deut. 30.6-7, Eph. 4. 2-6, Acts
1.14, Col.3.1-2, Acts 2.46, Heb. 10.25, Acts 4.24, Php 2:3; 1 Pe 1:22; 2:17;
3:8; 5:5; 2 Peter 1:7
Every member of the
church must ensure that he confessed his/her sins and be forgiven before the
church can pursue unity. Where some members are still living in secret sins,
there will hindrances to prayer and limitations of our potentials. The basis of
our Christian love and unity is our love for God through genuine salvation.
Every member must therefore strive to grow to spiritual maturity through
constant prayer and regular study of God’s words. Holiness of lives and
sanctification experience of members are essential experience that can
bind us together in love and godly unity that no satanic onslaught can divide. We must therefore be tirelessly committed to
giving, sharing and loving one another (even) above personal gain or personal achievements
and benefits. The church is called to maintain unity (i) in
purpose Acts 1.14, Col.3.1-2 ii) unity in place of worship and fellowship
(in the temple) Acts 2.46, Heb. 10.25, iii) unity through our Praises (Acts
4.24), iv) unity through possessions sharing and giving- Acts
4.32 v) in prayer Acts 2.1, vi) unity in power and possibilities as each
member contributes his potentials to the growth and furtherance of the church
making the church strengthened and more powerful Acts 5.12-14 vii) united in
proclaiming the gospel truth Acts 8.6. Every member must endeavor to be
in faith – Believing God as the Sovereign creator and worthy of all
worship and adoration. Believing Christ as the Head of the church, whose
atoning blood paid the full and acceptable sacrifice for our sins and believing
the blessed Holy Spirit who leads us into all truths. Also be united
in faithfulness to God and His precepts (doctrines) always. Be united
together in the fervency of our service to the Lord as our master and ‘rewarder’
of our obedience. To do these faithfully, we must lead a modest, meek and lowly
life of gentleness with all other members; We must be crucified to the
flesh- seeing ourselves as less important to others but choose the position of
servants to serve others in love, and ensure that we speak the truth in love
with all men.
Consequence of Christians love
and Unity in the Church. Ps 133.1,
Acts 2. 1-4, 41-42, Acts 4.31-37; 12.5-10, 21-23, Acts 7.17, 9.31,
12.24, Acts 8. 5-8, Acts 15.3
There are great
blessings in the unity of the church. When believers of like-minded faith dwell
together with one purpose in love, heaven always give attention to their requests
and there is no limit to what they can achieve. God’s awesome power comes into
manifestation through our prayer of faith and preaching of the gospel. When a
united church, comes together and pray with single mind and heart, the
mountains must definitely move and the shackles of inglorious oppositions shall
be totally broken into pieces. The yoke of sin in even hardened sinners shall
be broken through the power of the gospel (Rom. 1.16). We
have awesome power through the name of Jesus that can neither be denied in
heaven nor resisted by Satan. We possess authority and power of Jesus (Luke 10.19).
We also have the dynamite and the power of the Holy Ghost. Demonic
manipulations are shattered and destroyed. Kingdoms and dominion of the powers of
darkness are dethroned while the gospel of Christ continues to grow sporadically.
The possibilities include total freedom and salvation for sinners, numerical
growth and multiplication of the local churches, power to proclaim and spread
the gospel and the word of God shall grow exceedingly. The Lord’s name shall be established
and glorified everywhere. Problems of sicknesses and afflictions are
removed through prayers and the brethren shall be highly edified. Miracles,
signs and wonders will be done more frequently. There will be great joy in our
homes and cities. There will be speedy answer to our prayers. This will
definitely give us steady numerical growth. Members of the
church will always be happy to gladly identify with the church. Visitation of
new converts will become more interesting as the unbelievers will surely know
that God is in our midst.
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