Wednesday, 21 September 2016


WE DO NOT WELL                               2 KINGS 7. 3-11, 1 Kings 20. 39-40.

The story of these four lepers had been strategically kept in scriptures for us believers today to awaken us from our state of lethargy and indifference toward the dying souls. Though they were separated out of the city (by law) due to their predicaments, yet they became highly privileged to encounter the supernatural abundance of the Lord at the gate of Samaria in the midst of severe scarcity of the city.  Though they, like every other person, satisfied their personal need, yet they realized the need of others and the danger of negligent and time wasting. Believers today have more to learn from these despised lepers. God had brought salvation to mankind freely in spite of the grave danger and penalty of sin yet many are still suffering from the ignorance of the age. As believers, we do not well to keep relaxed while they keep dying in their sins and we are comfortable in the church. Many souls are still yet unreached while we are enjoying, choosing and selecting sermons and messages, We do not well!. If we tarry any longer, mischief will surely come because to him that knows how to do good but does it not, it is sin.. We do not well. Now we have the bread of life, now we have the good tidings of the Lord Jesus, if our neighbors and relatives still die ignorantly unreached, what excuse do we have, We do not well. Their precious souls shall be required at our hand. The church needs to wake up from our slumber and realize the urgency of our task. And the value of their souls couple with the perils and danger of delay. They could die and go to hell, Satan and his agents could continue to devour them at will, Jesus is crying and pleading each day to you and me to reach and preach to them. He is saying will my sacrifice be in vain. “Souls are dying, men are crying but you are playing; won’t you lead them to the cross? Go and find them, please help to win them. Win the lost at any cost.“ But if you tarry longer mischief is imminent, for Woe to Him that is at ease in Zion! (Amos 6.1). We had allowed many unnecessary issues to hinder us from the most essential task of soul-seeking, soul-winning and soul-saving: WE DO NOT WELL!. Repentance from idleness, Renewal of our consecration to the Lord and concentration on Evangelism must be our focus Now before its too late.

The Calamity and Perplexity of the Lost2 Kings 6. 24-30, Amos 8.11, 2 Cor. 4.4, Eccl. 10.15, Rom 1. 21-22, Matt. 23.33, Jere. 14.14, Eph. 2.12, Job 7. 2-6.
The story in our text is very pathetic. The famine in Samaria was so severe that the people began to eat their children (2 Kings 6. 28-29). Their condition became so terrible that from the king to the least person were perplexed and helpless. The king had no other person to think for solution but Elisha the man of God. The Lord had said concerning this age that there will be famine of hearing of the word (Amos 8. 11). Our generation is that of spiritual and emotional famine. The people are (i) spiritually blind in their rat race of get rich quick. The more they toil, the more they suffer (2 Cor. 4.4, Eccl. 10.15), (ii) their hearts are darkened and filled with illusion and are foolish in understanding of God’s knowledge (Rom 1. 21-22), (iii) They are to face the damnation of hell fire (Matt. 23.33), (iv) Unfortunately more for them, many false prophets and false teachers are making merchandise of them telling them deceptive alternatives that doesn’t save (Jere. 14.14). (v) They spend their lives without peace, without hope and without God, therefore they are exposed to spiritual and physical danger, destruction, destitution and vanity (Eph. 2.12, Job 7. 2-6).

Compassionate Provision of the Lord2 Kings 7. 5-9, Luke 2. 10-11, Rom. 5.6-9, John 8. 32, 36; John 15.13, John 14.1,27; 2 Peter 1. 3-4
Thanks be to God! Who had not left us without care. In the midst of the scarcity and famine, Elisha, the man of God, prophesied abundance and plenty. This was fulfilled within twenty four hours and these four lepers were privileged to encounter this good news. They had stumbled into an absolute abundance and overflowing blessing, but they knew that they could never keep such a thing to themselves alone except they share the news. The same still apply to us today; as we see multitude around us that needs to be reached with the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ. God, in His compassion had made provision for the sin of the world. He wants all to believe in Christ and be saved (John 3.16). This salvation is given absolutely free for all men and its readily available anytime and anywhere (Isa 55.1, Matt. 22.4). However, embedded in this provision are all the other benefits like protection from evil, deliverance from afflictions, freedom from disasters, healing from all sicknesses, provision for all needs, satisfaction in time of sufficiency, guidance and direction in times of confusion and peace in time of trouble (John 14.1,27; 2 Peter 1. 3-4).
Therefore, having provided an escape route from the disaster that looms ahead, God calls every one to embrace the love and the gift, and be genuinely saved from sin and be sure he is free from spiritual poverty (like the lepers). Then remember those multitude of helpless people who are still weary of their sin and don’t know the way (John 1. 40-42a).

Compelling reasons for urgent proclamation of the gospel. 2 Kings 7.9, John 4. 34-38, John 20.21, 1 Cor. 9.16, 1 Cor. 7.29, 2 Tim. 4. 1-4, Dan. 12.3
The lepers resolution was “we do not well”, we must proclaim this or else delay will surely bring mischief on us. This is passionate enough because of their knowledge of the famine in the land. Indeed, the perplexity of the people around us should move us to preach to them. The souls that are perishing should motivate us to reach them. The sacrificial investments of the Lord should compel us to proclaim the good news otherwise untold punishment awaits us. (i) Christ commands us to preach to them ( Mk 16.15, John 20.21). (ii) The danger and penalty of our disobedience must constrain us to preach to them (1 Cor. 9.16). (iii) The shortness of time warrants that we leave everything else and evangelize now (1 Cor. 7.29), the possibility of wastage of the souls through harness of heart by Satan must make us start now (2 Tim. 4. 1-4), (v) the certainty of death and judgment of hell for sinners must make us preach (Heb 9.27). (vi) The Assurance of success and immense blessings for soul winners must motivate us to preach (John 4. 34-36). (vii) The presence of the Lord now and in eternity should joyfully attract us to winning souls (Dan 12.3). Knowing these compelling factors, let us wake up, and use all methods available to proclaim Christ, publish the revival program, evangelize and harvest them to the fold. It’s a rewarding exercise else He will tell us.. “We do not well”


As we look all around us,
All the fields are white,
They're ripened unto harvest,
Yet so quickly comes the night.
Christians must get busy,
There's so much work to do.
Here's an urgent task awaiting you.

Souls are crying, men are dying,
Won't you lead them to the cross.
Go and find them, Please help to win them
Win the lost at any cost.

Check your fold, my christian brother,
See if all your children are in.
Are there some still straying in the
Blackened fields of sin.
You must go out and win them,
Go quickly without delay,
Soon the trump of God shall end the day.

Go out and win, rescue from sin,
Day's almost done, and the battle's almost won.
Souls are crying, men are dying,
Win the lost at any cost

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