Text: 1 Peter 2. 2, 2Tim. 2.15
Desiring milk among children is a
characteristic of their growing process. This they do till they reach the age
of stability and are able to feed themselves through strong food. The same
applies in the spiritual realm. Every believer, whether young or adult, must
desire the milk of God’s word to grow up to sustenance, stability and full
spiritual independence. Studying the Word is the age long process of reading
the scriptures, meditating upon it and applying it to our daily life. This is
as compulsory for a believer as his daily meal because though the physical food
sustains the body, the Word of God keeps and stabilizes the soul and the
spiritual body. Therefore, failure to remain consistent through in the study of
the scriptures is a sign of spiritual laziness and lethargy, and may lead to
compromise and backsliding. Commitment to regular study of God’s Word makes us
strong and healthy spiritually. It also keeps us stable in the midst of
destructive winds of doctrines around the world today.
Perils and Spiritual
Sterility through ignorance of God’s Words. Hosea 4.6, Mark. 4. 14-19,
Every Christian is commanded to
love God’s word and study it for growth and sustenance. Failure to do so makes
us ignorant of God’s promises and purpose for our lives and brings destruction,
spiritual famine and damnation. A believer who is void of the Holy Scriptures
won’t know how to overcome temptation and to escape the snares of the devil (Eccl.
9.12). Stagnant believers always become carnal, worldly and compromising
and will eventually backslide and die spiritually. This however breeds a weak
church where canal comparison, envy and jealousy, murmuring and backbiting
become apparent. Purity of heart and life, commitment and consecration,
evangelism and soul-winning, and other spiritual accomplishments, will become
forgotten as selfishness and worldly traits take over the congregation.
Principles of
Systematic Study of God’s Word. Ezek. 2. 8-9, 3:1, Rev. 10.9, 1 Peter 1.23,
God had always commanded His
children at all levels and in all ages to be diligent in reading and studying
His words. It is an imperative command that we should study to know the
instruction of the Lord and to carry them out promptly. However, to do this
effectively requires systematic approach in our study. The following principle
will help every believer to grow spiritually through the word.
i. Know the author of the scriptures. Without salvation
experience, the Bible remains a closed book to anyone. Knowing God at new birth
brings the Holy Spirit into the heart and life of an individual. It convicts of
sins, and causes the sinner to take decisions to please the Lord as master.
Note that the Holy Spirit now resides within the new born Christian to
interpret God’s word to Him (John 15.3; John 6.63, 1 Pet. 1.23).
As a child of God, now you can have access to the treasury of the Almighty.
Have a good motive as you approach God for clarity of
His word. Your main goal must be to know God more, and get more intimate
fellowship with Him. Therefore be prepared to acquire as much from Him as
possible (Phil 3.10). You need a longing heart that pant after God’s word (Ps.
Believe that every word you read from the Bible is
from God and is for your learning, instruction, admonition and correction. Also
note that it contains promises you need to claim, and pitfalls you need to
avoid that it may be well with you (2 Tim 3.16-17, Rom. 15.4).
Ensure you have a solitary, quiet place where you can
study and meet with your God. Remember, it is a place where God speaks to you
through His word. Be ready to listen to all He says and be prepared to carry it
everything He speaks out (Exo. 24.2,12, 15).
Be submissive to the Holy Spirit as your teacher and
instructor. Your attitude must be “Speak Lord, thy servant heareth” (1
Sam. 3.9)
You must practically get your study materials ready
before your study time which includes a Study Bible with concordance and
dictionaries, Devotional materials, Bible Atlas and maps, Encyclopedia of Bible
Topics (1 Cor. 14. 7-9). These materials will further explain details
of the scriptural passages and their backgrounds.
Get also, writing materials to jot down what the Lord
speaks to you.
iii. Chose the pattern of study you which to follow. You
can either study the bible by books (Book Study), By Bible character (Character Study), or by Bible
doctrines (Doctrinal study). Whichever
one you choose will give you the same inspiration through the Holy Spirit.
Be systematic in your study to follow the
chronological order of the chapters. Note that jumping chapters will make you
miss so salient points of the scriptures that are equally beneficial to you.
Make a commitment to the Lord to be consistent and
prompt at your personal altar. Consecrate your time to it and be sure you don’t
miss the set time.
Prayer and faith: James 1. 5-6, Mark 11.24, 1 Tim. 2.8
You need
time to pray before and after your study. Since you are carrying out a
spiritual exercise, Satan may bring distractions, disaffections and
discouragement to hinder the study but with prayer, you will overcome them. You
also need to manifest faith in God to receive your entire heart request
concerning your desired growth. Note that God knows your desire and is ready to
meet them particularly as it is to His glory. Pray that God will give you grace
to heed all the warnings and avoid all the pitfalls that the character fell
into. Take time to claim the promises and ask for grace to manifest God’s glory
as stated the passage read.
Profits and Success
through regular Study of God’s words. Joshua 1. 8, Ps. 1.1-3,
Psalm 119. 1-12, Prov. 4.18
Regular study of God’s words makes
us a strong believer that is growing daily from one level of perfection to
another. It brings supernatural spiritual growth and secular promotion and
success. Few of the profits of heart-warming study of God’s words include but
not limited to:
(i)It gives us an assurance of salvation as we continue in the Word and
gives us sound spiritual foundation that cannot be moved in times of
temptations and trials. (Ii)Helps us to discover the will of God to be done and
that of error to be avoided. (iii) It enables us to understand and to know God
more intimately and to do exploits for Him (Dan. 11.32) (iv) It makes
us grow into wisdom beyond the human understanding and to excel above our
adversaries (Ps. 119.98), (v) It makes us grow in Spiritual experiences and
stable to withstand all forms of weather (Prov. 4.18). (vi) It helps us to
discover hidden promises for special people who walk intimately with God (Isa
45.3). (vii) It helps us to discover God’s voice. Now God can speak to
us as He spoke to the saints of old. It’s a wonderful experience when the
Almighty God becomes your partner in your spiritual, ministerial and secular
Spiritual growth is a journey of self-discovery and enlightenment, transcending the mundane to connect with something greater than ourselves. It's about delving into the depths of our being, seeking understanding, peace, and purpose. Through practices like meditation, prayer, or reflection, we nurture our souls and cultivate virtues like compassion, gratitude, and empathy. It's a continuous process of evolving consciousness, aligning with our higher selves, and finding harmony with the universe. Spiritual growth enriches our lives, offering profound insights, inner peace, and a sense of interconnectedness with all beings.