Thursday, 3 October 2019


Text: Ps. 85. 1-7, 1 Kings 18.21-24, Habakkuk 3.2, Ephesians 5.14.
Revival is the full restoration of God’s people back to the will, word, the work and the lifestyle of the almighty God. It is should be the ultimate goal of every believer to be in full intimate relationship with His maker but when things had turned otherwise and Christians are looking at the other direction from the will and the word of God, then God looked down in disappointment upon His people. This estranged relationship with God brings devastation, disaster and sometimes destruction upon them. Then God’s people need revival. As we look around us today, every indices within and without signify that we need revival as individual, as a church and as a nation. As we see the worldliness creeping into the church, don’t we need revival? How about the lethargy towards evangelism, does it not concern you?. Think about the fear among God’s people of the ragging waves from the enemy. We need revival. How about our sleeping when we ought to be fervent in prayer. All these and many more shows we need revival. True scriptural revival brings us back to God and His purpose. This in-turn brings His benevolence upon us and the evidence is peace, power, prosperity and in deed posterity. Failure to embrace revival could be devastating as continuation in the state of indifference to God may lead to total abandonment by God which makes His people vulnerable to the attack of the enemy.
Series of Condemnable Practices calling for Timely Revival. Rev. 3.15-19, 1Kings 18.19-21, 1sa. 1.11-17, Ps. 78.41, Amos 5.11, Isa. 40.31
God doesn’t abandon His people without a reason. When we see dryness and poverty in the land, and the land of plenty becomes a place of penury, then there is need to examine the characters and practices in the land, and in deed in ourselves conducts and relationship with God and with our fellow man. Today a thorough examination reveals (i) Lukewarmness to God and His word (Rev. 3.15-17), (ii) Indifference and “I don’t care attitude” to God’s work (Judges 5.23), (iii) Worldliness and ungodly friendship (James 4.4), (iv) Oppression of the poor (Amos 5.11), (v) Pride and arrogance of achievements (Lk. 12. 16-20), (vi)  Blood letting of the innocent (Isa. 1.11-15).
Scriptural Conditions and preparation for True Revival. Hosea 10:12; Joel 2.12-13, Psalms 138:6-8, Isa.40.39-31,

“sow to yourselves in righteousness, reap in mercy, break up your fallow ground, for it is time to seek the Lord till He come and rain righteousness upon you” (Hosea 10:12)

In preparation for God’s visitation, we must return fully to righteousness in every area of our lives. We must show mercy and forgiveness to all others. “blessed are the merciful for they shall obtain mercy” (Matthew 5:7). Pride and self- defence must be replaced by humility and contrition. God has promised to revive our spirits and hearts if we yield them to Him ((Isaiah 57:15, Hosea 14:7, Acts 3:19-20). The New Testament affirms that times of refreshing and renewal shall come from the presence of the Lord. “Faithful is He that calleth you who will also do it”.(1 Thessalonians 5:24). The scriptures states clearly that the preparation that God recommends for revival is purely from the heart. Is your heart free from haughtiness and pride and full of humility and lowliness?, Does it tremble in contrition at the word of God? Do you accept your faults and make amends or Do you explain it away? Are you determined in heart to do and to teach the whole will of God? We must be ready to lead a holy and pleasant life and maintain good focus on heaven Rom 12.1-2.

Supernatural Components and proofs of Transcending revival Joel 2.18-21,  Psalm 85.8-13,  Mal. 3.11, Psalm 84.11, Isa. 6.1
When God bring a transcending revival upon the land, everyone will be partakers of its transforming effect. It is a sign of God’s favour and mercy outpoured upon His people and it results into peace, protection and prosperity in the nation. The following are some of the proof of God’s happiness upon His children. (i) There will be express answer to our prayers (Isa.65.24), (ii) There will be joyful workforce in the church among God’s people, (iii) Increase and prosperity in the land (Ps. 85.9-12), God will shield His people and prevent them from the attack of the enemy (Ps. 84.11). Vibrant congregation and happy fellowship. God begin to speak with His people again. Miracles and endless supernatural performance amongs Gods people (Rom. 8.19)  

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