Malachi 3.6, Numbers 23.19, Heb 3. 8, Jeremiah 32.27, 17.
The uniform testimony of the scriptures is that God is forever the same. He is immutable, immortal and unchanging. His powers and might remain the same. As it was in the beginning, so shall God ever be to eternity. This constant attribute of the Almighty God should give every believer an unrelenting confidence in our unchanging God. He is stable in His promises, powerful in His might and constant in His disposition towards His children. He demonstrated His great power in the creation of the world and He still demonstrates His power today amongst His people. The Almighty God never fails and His powers never diminish. What He did in the days of old, He can repeat today. Knowing this should bring comfort and consolation to Christians that we are serving a living God, who loves us with deep compassion and who will never fail us or let us down. Our challenges and circumstances, therefore, would melt away if can we trust in the unfailing power of this our Unchanging God.
Gracious Promises of Our Unchanging God. 2 Peter 1. 3-4, Mark 13.31, John 1.12, Ps. 20.1, Job 22.25, Ps. 128.3, Isa. 29.17, Jer. 23,3
Our unchanging God has given us great and precious promises to uphold in times of troubles and difficulties. These promises are as powerful and reliable as God Himself. He declared that “Heaven and earth shall pass away: but my words shall not pass away” (Mark 13.31).His promises are so comprehensive that it covers every area of our lives such as Adoption, Salvation, sanctification and Spirit baptism (John 1.12, Ezek. 36. 25-30), Abundant provision (Phil.4.19, Eph. 3.20, Job. 22. 23-25), Answer to prayers (Isa. 58.9, Ps. 50.15, Jer. 33.3), Promise of overflowing Blessings (Deut. 28.2-12), Calmness and comfort in trouble (Isa 54. 11-17, Ps. 23.4), Defence in time of battle (Ps. 20.1, Job 22.25), Dominion over all oppositions (Judg 5.13, Isa. 58.8) , Deliverance from evil (Ps. 41. 1-2, Ps. 20.1-4,), Enlargement of Coast (Gen. 17.6, 22.17), , Enemy to our enemies (Exo. 23.22), Fullness of Christ, His grace and riches (Col. 2. 9-15, Eph. 4.13), Fruitfulness (Gen. 1.28, Gen. 17.6, 28.3, Lev. 26.9, Ps. 128.3, Isa. 29.17, Jer. 23,3, Col.1.10), His Goodness and Grace, (Jer. 31.14, Exo. 33.19), divine Guidance and direction (Isa. 58.11, Ps. 32.8, Isa. 42. 13, 16), Holiness and heaven (John 14.3, Lev. 19.2), Protection, Preservation and Promotion (Ps. 91. 1-16), Healing and Health (Ex. 15.26, Ex. 23.25-26), Eternal Life (Titus 1.2, 1 Jn 2.24-25) and many more.
Our Groaning and Prayers to the Unlimited God. Psalm 102. 6-12, Psalm 6. 1-6, Exodus 2.24, Exodus 6.5, 2 Corinthian 13.5, Acts 3.19, Isa 58.5-9, Jeremiah 29. 12-14, James 5.16.
Every problem that brings grief and groaning to man must lead us as God’s creatures to the Unlimited God. Though problems are inevitable in this life, yet God’s power and ability transcends all forms of opposition and oppressions from the enemy. Isarael was in severe bondage in Egypt and their oppressors greatly afflicted them till they began to groan under the yoke. Though their hope was lost and their help was gone, yet the Lord remembered them in their afflictions and sent deliverance to them. There are many believers today who are passing through similar challenges and problems of oppressions from Satan. Ignorance makes many to run from place to place looking for help where there is none, yet God wants us as His children to be stable and establish our heart upon Him knowing He cares for us. When challenges come this way and it looks so tense and worrisome, believers need to first examine himself or herself (2 Cor. 13.5) and check up for known causes of those challenges. Secondly, if any cause such as sin, disobedience or ignorance is found, there is a need for total repentance and complete submission to the living God. Thirdly, believers need to wait unto God searching His promises concerning those challenges, delays or afflictions. There is always an appropriate promise of God concerning every problem of man. Fourthly, Key your faith on this promise and take this to God in prayer. Prayers are to be poured out from a burdened heart, not from a carefree and unconcerned mind. Our prayers and supplications must be to the glory of God and to His purpose and will for our lives. Furthermore, we must manifest faith in God holding on to His promises until the solution comes, praying also for grace to overcome every temptation to sin through these problems.
Glorious Possibilities through our Unchanging God. Jeremiah 32.27, 17. Exo. 12. 13-14, Exo. 15.25-26, 1 sam 1.27, 2 Kings 6.18, 2 Kings 19. 19-20, 2 Kings 20. 1-8, 2 Chron 20. 1-14, 20-24, Mark 4.37-39, Acts 12. 4-11, Acts 4. 20 -27,
God’s power and ability is still the same today and the finite man can never fathom His endless possibilities. He works in ways a man cannot tell to brings glorious solutions to his problems. He remembered Israel in their afflictions against their hope and brought them out of Egypt with great powers, signs, and wonders. He turned bitter waters to sweet, He made the barren woman to become. He divided the red sea before Israel, He calmed the stormed sea before the disciples. He delivered Peter from the prisons of the tyrant. Miracles, signs, and wonders are the possibilities of the Almighty God. He can use any creature of His to achieve His purpose of solving problems for His children. He will do the same for you today if you can call upon His name.
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