TRETS 14/12/2017 - Asking, Seeking and Knocking for Great Outpouring
Matt. 7. 7-11, Acts 1. 4-5, Luke 24.49,
The great outpouring of God’s blessings is always preceded by great expectations, preparations and prayers. This always brings mighty and sustainable revival of soul, spirit and body upon God’s people. Before the outpouring of the Holy Spirit, Our Lord and Saviour emphasized the need for a sincere expectation and (tarrying) waiting for this unprecedented experience that will eventually change the entire world through its ensued revival. In the same way, He require that believers then and now must realize and employ the importance of sincere and passionate prayer and preparation so as to receive their needed life changing miracles in their lives. God promised a change in life and Character to Israel through prophet Ezekiel, yet He demanded that they Ask passionately and enquire of Him before they will receive the revival. Today, God had given us great and precious life transforming promises, yet He expects us to pray fervently to receive them through tthis December retreat, an it shall be the beginning of a new dawn to everyone who keys into this great God’s plan for humanity.
The promise of the great Outpouring Joel 2. 28-32, Acts 1.8, Isaiah 43. 16-18, Ezekiel 37.1-12
The Great outpouring of God’s supernatural blessing had been promised to His people from the time of old. God’s seasons and periods of revival always come after his undeniable promise had been given to His people, He said, He will do a new thing and he did it. To The children of Israel in the time of Ezekiel, it was a time great despondency, famine and despair. Yet God gave the promise to Ezekiel and a great outpouring of revical came upon the land. What brings revival to people vary from person to person. To Hannah, she needs a Samuel, to Jabez a turn-around breakthrough, to Elisha, he needs a double portion of Elijah’s power and to Jacob a complete victory over a long standing ark enemy and rival. Whatever your desire and challenges may be, God has promised great outpouring of His blessings upon us in this retreat and it promises tpo be a dawn of new beginning of great things in our lives.
PII. Preparation for the Great Outpouring Isaiah 58.6-11, Mark 6.31, John 11.39,
There is need for adequate preparation before we can receive great things from God. Our passion for the great outpouring will show through our preparations. The Lord told the disciples that they need to tarry in the city of Jerusalem. This is to prepare them in holiness and oneness in prayer before the Lord for the Spirit’s baptism. We need Spiritual and physical preparations before this unprecetendent outpouring can come. Spiritual requires checking up our lives and making sure we do not allow any sinful interest to be in us. Taking away every stone of unbelief and doubt is another preparation for us. Moreover, we need to be physically separated from all the distractions of the business so as to fully concentrate in the presence of the Lord. Also Everything needed for full concentration must be provided.
Praying for the great Outpouring Hosea 10.12, Luke 22.44, Acts 1.14, Genesis 32. 24-26, Matthew 7.7-11
Prayer is very critical before any remarkable change in life and spirit can be obtained. The Disciples waited in the upper room to pray before the Spirits baptism came, Hannah waited upon the Lord at Shiloh before she received the needed Samuel, Jabez and Jacob needed to set time apart to pray effectively before their lives and characters were transformed. We do not have any shortcut to God’s supernatural blessings except through fervently prayer.
There is an assurance that everyone who prays receives. Therefore we can be assured that as we pray over our problems and challenges at this year’s retreat, God is going to pour out His blessings upon us in Jesus name
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