September 28, 2017
Matthew 6:24-34; Psalm 55:22
Worry and anxiety are twin evil that has plagued our present world. It had led many people to stress and many unexpected sicknesses while many had even committed suicide. Unfortunately, this phenomenon is gradually creeping into the church and affecting some so-called believers. Christ taught us not to be anxious or worry about anything. As we belong to God, making Him our focus and our shepherd, believers are to manifest total confidence in the Mighty keeping power of the Lord for protection, provision, and preservation always. Therefore, Christians should know that as God cares for less valuable beings of the sea and the sky, much more than these, He cares for us whom He had created in His own image. All we need to do, based on this knowledge is to look unto Jesus always and cast our burdens upon Him
Causes of Worry and Anxiety. Matt.6.24-28, 1 Tim.6.10, 1John 2.16, Luke 10.40-41,
Christ clearly explained that “ye cannot serve two masters”. The main cause of worry and anxiety in the world today is the choice to seek and serve mammon instead of focusing on eternity and its gains. Mammon means money or valuable possessions. To serve money is to place a high value on money and material possessions so much that it occupies our thought above our faith in God. Or, to see money as our source of happiness and security at the expense of our soul. Once anyone regards money beyond righteousness or God’s kingdom, it will always bring anxiety. However, other related factors include Power and influence, Politics and its passion, position seeking, worldly attainment and wanting to be like the world, Pride of life, popularity, and fame. Sometimes, outright disobedience to God leads to worry and anxiety. These are some of the factors, but God wants us to be free from them all.
Consequences of Worry and Anxiety. 1Tim.6.10, Luke 12.19-21, Gen. 20. 11, 1 Samuel 13.11-14,
Worry and anxiety always result into covetousness which is sinful and always bring sorrow. In many cases, such victims find it difficult to return to the Lord as they are being entangled by the passion and the snare of their bait. When a man looks away from God’s promise and provision and allows anxiety, he will be seeking help where none is and begin to act foolishly. Abraham was worried about being killed in Gerar, told a lie of Sarah his wife, and almost lost her to Abimelech (Gen. 20.11). Worry and anxiety ruin the nucleus of one’s faith in God and lures him in the direction of eternal doom. Saul, the first king of Israel lost his kingdom due to worry and anxiety. (1 Sam. 13.11-14). Worry and anxiety lead to earthly disaster and ends up, if not redeemed, in eternal damnation. We are therefore cautioned against anything that can lead us to worry and anxiety. Amongst many others, worry and anxiety leads to shame and reproach, it leads to loss of fellowship with God and His word, leads to compromise of the faith, leads to irritation and separation from God’s people, it also leads to undue suspicion amongst family members (e.g Mary and Martha in Luke 10.40-41). Apart from the spiritual effects, anxiety leads to much physical damage to the individuals. It makes such individual not to be able to think with a focus on realities. It brings undue fear that may lead to suicide. It also makes some to loos self-esteem and self-respect.
Conquering worry and anxiety. Matt. 6. 25-34, Ps 37:5; 55:22; Mt 6:25; Lu 12:11,22; Php 4:6; Heb. 13:5
The Lord had given us the blueprint on how to conquer this monster. Believers must always remember that God who created us had the power to sustain us. He is able to keep us from falling spiritually and also materially. Therefore, there is nothing to worry about. To maintain a steady and stable confidence in God for this, Christians must (i) Seek first God’s kingdom and His righteousness (Matt.6.33), (ii) Be resolute that your heart is purged from every form of worry through constant meditation on God’s words and promises. (iii) Maintain regular fellowship with God daily by prayer through which you pour out your requests to Him. (iv) Trust in God’s ability and power to solve every problem and make all provisions available unto you. (v) Never allow any distraction to take your mind away from the Lord but be firm. (vi) Delay is never a denial, if your request seems delayed, wait on God and trust His unfailing promises by reading testimonies of other people of similar need. (vii) Let, your focus be on eternity asking yourself always if the rapture takes place now, will I be able to go with the Lord. Pray ceaselessly that God will keep you from falling into the temptations of worry in any way, and the Lord will keep us all in Jesus name.
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