Thursday, 1 June 2017


TRETS 01/06/2017

Matt. 9:35-36; 1 Cor. 9:16; 19-22; 2 Tim. 4:1-4

The mandate of soul-winning is non-negotiable to any obedient Christian. Our Saviour Jesus Christ committed His earthly ministry to seeking and saving “that which was lost”. This task made Him to go out of His way to go into all the villages, towns and cities, preaching the gospel and reaching out to them where ever they were found. But the more He preaches and teaches, the more the field expands. At His departure He commissions us and sends us to go forth and preach this same gospel of the Kingdom. However, like Paul the Apostle, we must be all things to all men so as to win them at all cost. Many are dying around us, sinners are crying in hell day by day. We cannot ignore their cries; neither can we push the task to any other person. We must remember that the age is winding up, the trumpet will soon sound and all the hope they have is for us to tell them about their only way of escape before it’s too late. We need to employ all strategies and straighten all edges in our communities to ensure that no soul is left unwitnessed to for the Lord. Obviously, this attracts great rewards in this life and gives us the assurance of reigning with the Lord in eternity.

1.   THE MISERY AND THE PORTION OF THE LOST  Jeremiah 8:20; Matt. 9:36; Luke 15:17; Proverbs 13:21; Amos 9:10; Isa 33:14; Rev. 20:11-15; Luke 16:19-31

The lost could be categorized into two broad groups. Those that are within the church building and those that are without. Whichever way they may fall, they stand completely separated from the living God. The common experience of all sinners is the fear of the unknown and God’s judgment anytime if death should strike because their sins are not forgiven. Being separated from God makes them to be living in the wilderness of life without direction and without hope of tomorrow. They are hopeless, separated from God’s protection, separated from God’s provisions and separated from God’s presence. The prodigal son realized that without his father, he was completely separated from the source of life and livelihood (Luke 15:17). So also is the sinner in this world, but if they are not won to the Saviour before death, they will be lost forever in eternity. This was the fate of the rich man in the days of Lazarus. Though some of them may have the good things of this life, yet they are impoverished spiritually which spells their doom. Therefore, we must do everything within our power to win them at all cost.

2. METHODS OF WINNING THE LOST TO THE LORD Matt. 9:35; Matt. 28:19-20; John 1:29, 35-37-42; 4:4-29; Luke 19:1-10; Acts 10:30-33

The wave of revival in the Church now and the desire of our father in the Lord to reach out to the lost souls should move all of us to go out of our ways to go the field of evangelism to reach the lost souls for the Lord before it is too late. The doom and damnation awaiting the sinners must compel us to reach them. The danger of hell fire at the end of a life without God ought to drive us to do all we can to reach out to them. We shouldn’t forget that a lot of rewards await us if we faithfully discharge our duty of soul-winning with utmost sense of responsibility. Some of the common methods of winning the lost include (i) Person to person evangelism - (John 1:38-42); (ii) Public crusade and retreats - (Luke 5:1-3); (iii) Special gatherings and opportunities of uncommon occasions - (Acts 10:30-33); (iv) Morning and evening cry - (Matt. 3:1-2); (vi) Personal discussion when on transit - (Acts 8:30-38); (v) Personal pleading, and travailing prayer for the lost - (2 Cor. 5:20, Rom 10:1-2). The Lord is looking for men like Paul, who will so much love the lost that they can go out of their ways to pray and witness to them. Remember, we have only a life-time opportunity to do this noble work; so let’s harness all resources at our disposal and go out to preach the word to the lost before the eternal door of mercy and salvation is shut against them forever.

3. MYRIADS OF REWARDS FOR FAITHFUL SOUL- John 4:36-38; 15:16; Ps. 126:5-6, Ps. 112:1-9; Daniel 12:3; 1Peter 5.4

Soul winners are sure of their reward and wages from the Lord at the end of a faithful life of productive service in the Kingdom. The benefits of winning the lost are enormous and cannot be over emphasized. As the church of Christ increases in number and multitude are being added to the church, so also would the joy of the soul-winner increase and multiply for doing his Father’s will. Moreover, he will receive abundant blessings here in the world and many rewards at the end of his life on earth. He shall also enjoy God’s direction, guidance, provision and protection from all evils. His prayers shall always be answered and at the end, he shall shine like the brightness of the firmament.
Crowns for Soul-winners:
1.   Crown of Rejoicing – 1 Thessalonians 2:19
2.   Crown of Righteousness – 2 Timothy 4:8
3.   Crown of Life – James 1:12; Revelation 2:10
4.   Crown of Glory – 1 Peter 5:4
Incorruptible Crown – 1 Corinthians 9:27 (PFA

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