Wednesday, 1 February 2017


TEXT:                                James  5. 13-18, I Kings 17:1; 18: 36-45, Luke 18. 1-8.
Our topic today is one of the most practical lessons ever known but hardly practices. Although challenges abound in this world, yet there is a master key for a true child of God to subdue them all. This is the undeniable power of focused prayer. Focused prayer is a concentrated prayer aimed at achieving specific result from the Lord. The prophets of old used this master key to lock and to unlock. A good example of such was Elijah in our text today. Jacob also used this key to open the door of supernatural realignment to the path way of divine covenant and prosperity. Esther and the Jews in Sushan used this key to bind the spirit of death over them and open the way for prosperity of the Jews.  Hannah utilized this key to open her womb and got many children. Jabez also utilized it to reverse his sorrowful life. Jesus equally gave us the example towards this through His parable of the unjust judge and the widow crying “avenge me of my adversary” (Luke 18.3). The apostles of old then caught the fire of prayer and they used it to open the prison doors for Peter against the expectation of the Jews. Surely there is power in prayer, and indeed, an awesome power in the believer’s focused prayer. If you also can use this master key this night and always, then all your predicaments shall be overturned in Jesus Name.

PRE-REQUISITES OF FERVENT PRAYER. Job 22. 22-26, James 5.15-16, Ps 66.18, Ps. 24. 4-5, James.1.6, Lk.18.1, 6-8, Phil 4.6
God wants us to know that the prayers that prevail are not just coincidence. They are borne out of personal intimate relationship with God. Realization of personal sins and true confession and repentance from them brings God’s power into our prayers; but carelessness, frivolity and pride hinders prayer. We must pray with faith without wavering  (James 1.6), with fervency and persistence (Luke 18.1, 6-8), pray with thanksgiving (Phil 4.6), our purpose of prayer must be according to God’s word and to glorify God (I Kings 18:36-37). Sometimes, you may need to add fasting with your prayer. Lastly you must also learn to pray the prayer of praise as this confirms your faith that God answer prayers.

PROMISES OF ANSWER TO THE FAITHFUL’S PRAYERS.  James 5. 13-16, Jere. 33.3, Jer. 29. 11-14, Job 22. 27-28, Ps. 50.15, Ps 91.15, Matt. 7.7, Jn 14.13-14,
“…the prayer of faith shall save the sick..The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much” These are powerful promises from the Lord that assures us that if we can learn the art of consistent fervent prayer, we shall prevail over every circumstance in our life. Although some of these promises and are common, we must not be too familiar with them to overlook their value and potency. We must take hold on these promises with complete trust knowing that God is not a man that He should lie...(Num 23.19)

THE POWER OF FOCUSED PRAYER. Gen 32.24-29, Esth 4.13-16, 9. 1-5, Dan 2. 15-19, 2 Chr. 20. 1-4,

Prayer is a powerful unbreakable weapon of the believer that the enemy cannot stand, particularly when offered with a holy heart and humble spirit. The long standing problem and fear of being killed had been tormenting Jacob for twenty years, yet, all these was turned around through one night of focused prayer. Esther and the Jews in Sushan prayed and got the decree of death reversed to their favor (Esther 4.13-16, 9. 1-5), Remember, God spared your life till now so you could glorify Him in your situation. Its only when your prayer is changed from the lukewarm type to fervency that this would be achieved. Hannah, through focused prayer received one of the greatest prophets in Israel, Samuel. Prayer turned bareness to fruitfulness. Your prayer tonight can turn your affliction into jubilation.  When the enemies surround you like Elisha, you can prayerfully smite them with blindness. When the confusion looms in your life, you can pray for wisdom and direction (Dan 2. 16-19). When the enemy confederate themselves against you spiritually or physically, you can seek help of the Lord like Jehoshaphat (2 Chron. 20. 1-4) and obtain victory. Even when you seem to have lost any thing (or everything) in life, business, family or ministry, you can pray and God will make you recover all. Prayer changes Situations and moves mountains. If your life had been dominated with fear and timidity before today, be ready to pray your heart out in a focused prayer and the power that dominate your life will surely change hand. Be ready to pray until something happen. Be ready to pray until you receive the change in your situation. Be ready to pray until the showers of blessings come upon your life.

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