Thursday, 12 January 2017


Exceptional Faith for uncommon Exploits          January 12, 2017
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Heb 11. 32-35; Matt. 15:21-28, Dan. 11.32b

Faith is an indispensable virtue for spectacular exploits. The Lord commended the faith of this Canaanite woman in our text saying “O woman, great is thy faith”. She trusted in God and help on to the compassion of the Lord till she obtained healing and deliverance for her daughter. We can clearly say that she was “strong in faith” trusting God for supernatural and uncommon result. This is the same faith we need to manifest as we come to this year of great prospects. As our visions and expectations are great, so also must our faith be exceptional so as to receive uncommon accomplishments. Daniel, after winning many battles triumphantly declared “the people that do know their God shall be strong, and do exploits” (Dan 11.32b). This statement attaches your faith with your knowledge. You must know the Lord as the Savior before you would be saved, you must know Him as the Deliverer before you will be delivered, you must also know Him as the Almighty who can do all things before you would be able to develop exceptional faith in Him for uncommon exploits. Therefore, though trials and troubles are prevalent in the world today, people of exceptional faith in God still thrives above all challenges and triumph exceedingly because they know their God and they call upon Him, and as they knew that He never fail, they act and speak in His name and they rely on their speech or their action in His name, and they receive their uncommon expectation. How big are your plans this year, and how wide is your vision. Believers need to join this group of “faith-filled” people who will do exploits this year. This can only be achieved through fervent and unrelenting prayer of faith.  

Expressions of faithlessness (fear, doubt and unbelief) and their Perils Numbers 13:26-33; 14:1-3, 20-23; Matt. 14. 29-30, 2 Kings 7:1-2, 16-20;
Fear paralyzes the mind and brings defeat and destruction to its victims. It is an act of torment brought to man through deceit of the enemy (Satan). Fear comes from Satan as a result of disobedience to God. A disobedient man will always be afraid of evil consequences in times challenges. Israel was to spy out the land, but fear and unbelief made them to express doubt in God’s unconquerable ability “But the men that went up with him said, We be not able to go up against the people; for they are stronger than we.” (Numbers 13:31”. This expression resulted into the death of many of the people. Expressions of fear have many grave consequences on people. Peter began to sink while walking on water towards his Master Jesus. Fear comes through sin (i.e from Satan) and should never be entertained by any child of God. Unbelief and doubt is also sinful as it diminishes God’s power and ability and expresses believers distrust in his God due to prevailing circumstances and situations. This was the case of the lord of the king doubted God’s power at the pronouncement of Elisha and he couldn’t live to enjoy the prophesied blessings. But this year, the Lord is telling you “Fear Not, for I will be with thee”. Believers need to hold on to God’s promises firmly without any shadow of doubt. Therefore, change your language this year from “I can not” to “I CAN”, from Its not possible to It is possible”. Let the expressions of you action confirm God’s word. “Let the weak say I am strong”  

Examples of exceptional faith that prevails 1 Cor 10.11, Joshua 10. 9-11, 2 Kings 4. 21-26, 35-37, Matt. 8. 5-10, 13,
The scriptures is full of people who demonstrated exceptional faith to achieve uncommon exploits. Exceptional faith is an inward confidence in God that makes the believer take an action contrary to the order of nature. For instance when Joshua was faced with the battle against the five kings of the Amorites, he needed time to finish the battle and win the victory, so he commanded the moon and the sun to stand still, and it was so (Josh.10. 9-11), The shunemmite woman was greatly troubled at the death of her only son and yet she declared “It is well” until she got her son resurrected. The woman with the issue of blood simply believed that “If I may but touch his garment, I shall be whole”(Matt.9.21), and she came through the crowd not afraid of jesting and mockery of the people, and she was healed. The centurion’s faith was only on the spoken word as he declared to Jesus, speak the word only and my servant shall be healed (Matt. 8. 5-10, 13). You need to develop an exceptional faith this year so as to witness all round uncommon exploits
Exploits through Faith and Prayer. James 5.15-16, Joshua 10. 12-14, Matthew 21:21; Mark 10:46-52; John 14. 13-14,  Mark 11:22-24; Luke 8:43-44; Matthew 8:5-13; 15:28, Luke 10.19. Eph. 6.16.

Exploits don’t just happen in isolation of God’s power. Those who will do uncommon exploits must have sound knowledge of what God can do, what he had done and what He had promised to do. Joshua had been following God for a while. He knew the word (Joshua 1.8) and had strict obedience to the Lord. If you knew what He had promised concerning you, then you can trust Him completely that He has the power to achieve His plans concerning your life. Joshua’s intimate and unbroken relationship with His God moved him to pray for uncommon miracle – that the sun and the moon should stand still, and he got it. Uncommon miracles don’t happen by accident. You must primarily be in good relationship with God. Without attachment with the vine, you cannot bear fruits. This means you must be born again. Secondly, you need to “know the Word”. How much of God’s promises do you know and how often do you read the Bible. Thirdly, you must remain holy, righteous and undefiled in deed and in words (Daniel 1.8). Not only that, you must be humble. Humility brings grace to receive uncommon greatness (1 Peter 5.5).  You need also to be strong in the Lord and in the power of His might. Don’t panic and don’t think you don’t have faith, you must exercise the little you have, it is by this that you can continue to grow in faith. Fear of failure makes many giants of faith to remain spiritually unproductive. Develop a constant prayer habit and grow in it day by day. God has given us weapons to fight and conquer in the battles of life. Prayer and faith are key weapons of our victory. Those who received miracles are people who put their faith into action. Prayer changes circumstances and bring God’s power down. The power of failure in your life can be broken tonight if you can pray. The power of sickness can be broken tonight. The power of disaster and disappoint can be broken tonight. Put God to the test of His word today and pray according to His will, bring your good plans for the year before Him and He will bring it to fulfillment in Jesus name.

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