Day 2. Adult Seminar 1,
Daniel 11.32, Mark 16.17, Acts 8.
4-7, Heb. 11.6
Faith is highly important for the success of a believer’s
life and ministry particularly in the field of evangelism. To manifest exploits
in any field of endeavor, we must trust God beyond the religious man whose
thinking is simply to receive from Him. The believer’s knowledge of God must
integrate the Christian into the divine principles of partnership with Him in
all things. Living to please God is therefore fundamental to our success in the evangelistic field because, without God, we can do nothing. Therefore, he that
must do exploit in bringing souls to Christ must yield his life and heart to
Him in total consecration to His work of soul winning and must depend
completely on His ability to bring souls to the kingdom through the soul
winner. We had been mandated to go into all the world and preach the gospel to
every creature in spite of the oppositions and persecutions in the world. There
is, therefore, a strong need for faith to be manifested by the believer to
overcome the deceits and flatteries of Satan in this end time, and to manifest
courage against all hindrances until souls are won into God’s kingdom.
Heb. 11.1-2, 6, Acts 6. 2-3, Isa. 40.31, Luke 24.49, 1 Thess.
2. 7-10.
Faith is a great factor in our walk with God. Without faith, we cannot please Him as the invisible God must be trusted and regarded as faithful
and worthy of our worship and obedience. The evangelist must, therefore, have
experienced the saving faith in Christ. He must be truly converted and
manifesting faith in the Lord Jesus Christ as Lord and Saviour. Secondly, He
must have manifested faith in the Lord for the sanctification of the
spirits. Life of holiness and righteousness must be a
visible Character of such a believer without compromise. He must be of a good
report at home, and at work. Thirdly, he must be a man of passion for God and
compassion for sinners; and must be ready to sacrifice self for his faith in
the conversion of sinners. Also, he must be a man of selfless persistent prayer
whose interest is mostly to get sinners broken down for conversion. Lastly, he
must be filled with the Holy Ghost as his principal partner, listening to God
and taking directives from Him in all his ways. Having these qualities, he must be obedient to
God’s word and God’s will at all times manifesting humility in the fear of the
Planning is required in all projects including evangelism
because failure to plan is planning to fail. However, to have a successful and
heart touching evangelistic outreach, there is a need for strong faith
manifestation. The Devil is ready to frustrate every effort of soul-winning if
not adequately planned with a high level of faith. There are several reasons
why evangelism could be delayed or postponed but faith in God for success and
planning, with faith in the support of the Almighty God, produces exploits
without stress. The various stages scripturally necessary include the
following: (i) Preparation by faith
24.27, Ezra 7.10) Evangelism requires adequate preparation. To bring
souls into the kingdom can never be done by accident. Therefore, prepare
adequately by choosing your available time of the outreach, (b) choose your
evangelism method such as bus evangelism, Operation Andrew, crusade, etc, (c)
Choose your topic of the presentation and prepare your outlines or key points
available, choose all the relevant support people and even the venue of your
outreach. (ii) Prayer of faith – Psalm 2.8, Acts 4.29-30, Mark 16. 17-18.
Prayer is very crucial to any success in soul winning. To snatch a soul from
the Devil is not possible without an effectively focused prayer. This should be
directed to various aspects of the outreach – to melt and prepare the heart of
the sinners, to lose the sinners from the hold of Satan and set his captives
free, to protect the soul-winner from the attack of the enemy, to back up the
evangelist with Pentecostal power and anointing to break every satanic yoke and
agenda etc. (iii) Preaching by faith. 1 Cor. 2.
1-5, The message that will turn sinners to righteousness must be
direct, focused and preached in faith. It must be prayerfully directed to the
sinner to reveal his sinful practices and uphold God’s love for him and God’s
readiness to forgive him. Such a message must not be apologetic to the sinner but
be authoritative to emphasize the urgency of his salvation and the danger in
his delay. It must also introduce the sinner to an assurance of safety and
security in Christ and the hope of eternal life in Jesus. (iv) Persistent
in Follow up through faith. John 21.15-17, Follow up of the
newly converted souls is as important as the preaching itself and it must be
done with faith in God to establish the new converts. We must never be tired in
this exercise but be persistently visiting them until they become established
in the faith and preserved in the fellowship. All these required adequate
planning so that the enemy will not subtly frustrate our efforts.
Isa. 52.7, Mark 16.15, John 12.32, Jonah 3. 4-10, Matthew
9.35, Acts 8. 5-8, John 14.12
When we adequately prepare by faith for evangelism outreach,
it is certain that exponential fruitfulness shall be our portion as the Lord
had promised. Jonah, though initially disobeyed and later repented, preached to
the Ninevites and the whole city repented and turned to the Lord. The same
happened when Philip went down to the city of Samaria, he brought great joy to
the city because a multitude of the people believed and was converted. This is a
confirmation of Christ’s declaration that “And I, if I be lifted up from the
earth, will draw all men unto me”, However, today He had promised us of the
power of the Holy Ghost to back us up. This brings exponential fruitfulness on
our evangelism. All we need now is to pray for the power and faith for exploit
in this field for the Lord.