Thursday, 27 December 2018


December 27, 2018

1 Kings 8. 54-58, Psalm 107. 1-9, Exodus 14. 13-15,
Every year end is a time of somber reflection upon the outgoing year and preparations for the coming one. As we move towards the verge of the year, it is expected of every believer to appreciate God for all His loving kindness to us in every area of our lives. As we appreciate God for His wonderful works upon us all, we also must heed His command to move forward into the New year. Our faith in His unfailing promises must propel us to making plans and preparations for a fruitful and successful year ahead. This was the experience of Solomon at the departure of David, his father. He recounted the past goodness of God and concluded that the Lord is good to Israel. God’s faithfulness must equally demand our submission and loyalty to Him as our Lord and Savior to serve Him throughout the coming year and beyond. It is, therefore, a time we need to seek His presence, protection, and prosperity throughout the year and manifest faith in His promises in every area of our lives.
Appreciating God’s Goodness and provisions in the outgoing year Psalm 103.1-3, Ex. 15.26, Ps. 50.15, 91.15, Ps. 35.9-10, Ps 107. 1-9, 43, 1 Chronicles 16.23-29, Ps 46. 8-9, Ps 145, 1-5, 8-10
King David was a thoughtful leader who knew that he could n’t have achieved anything in life without the help of the Almighty. We also must recount God’s blessings we received this outgoing year. We must begin to enumerate the blessings we enjoyed namely: pardon from sin (V.3). Sin, which  was the stumbling block against God’s blessings, was removed and all other mercies began to flow into the believer’s life such as (i) Healing from sicknesses and diseases (Ex. 15.26), (ii)Rescue from danger and destruction (Ps. 50.15, 91.15) (iii) Happiness and fulfillment in the midst of worldly worries and woes, (iv) Pleasures and satisfaction when others are in severe needs and troubles, (v) divine promises and assurance when others are in fears of hopelessness and helplessness` (Deut. 31.6,8; Ps. 3.2), (vi) Wisdom and wealth in times of famine and scarcity, (vii) Defense and deliverance in critical moments of fear and troubles (Ps. 34.4, Jonah 2.2). Believers then and now need to be thoughtful of God’s supernatural blessings – to themselves as individuals, to their families, to their churches and to their communities and nations in general. For his peace in the time of wars and commotions all around the world, and for many countless benefits, God is worthy of our praise. Praise the Lord

Assurance through God’s unfailing promises for the coming year 2 Peter 1. 3-4, Exo. 33.14, Exo. 13. 20-22, Exo. 15. 23-27, Isa. 43. 2-3, Ps. 91. 1-8, Ps. 23. 1-6, Phil. 4.19.
God’s manifold promises had been given to cover every area of our life and family throughout the year. Understanding these promises gives us assurance that He is with us and will ever live to deliver and to fulfill them for us. His Presence (Joshua 1.5, Isa. 43.2-3), His Provisions (Psalm 34. 9-10), His Protection (Isa. 41.10), His Power over us gives us confidence that He will deliver us from all the challenges of the year

Actualizing our Goals and plans through faith and prayer in the New year Jer. 29.11, Ps. 37.5, Prov. 15.22, Mark 4. 35-36, Psalm 91. 1-16.

He that fails to plan is planning to fail. Everybody have their plans and expectations for the New Year. At the beginning of the year, man makes plans, proposals, resolutions and expectations to be accomplished. However, a believer should realize that his life is in the overall calendar of the Almighty God and so must make his plans according to the will of God. Once the Lord is in your plans no matter what comes during the year, you will surely overcome. The Disciples of Christ were to pass from one side of the sea to the other. They were wise to have brought Christ into their ship. As they sailed on, the storm came and Christ commanded peace upon the sea. As we sail through this year, our boat will not sink in Jesus Name. There are many expectations and needs in people’s life. Provisions, Admissions, Promotion at work, career upliftment, children for the family etc. All we need is to anchor our faith in God and His unfailing promises. He will surely fulfill our heart desires in spite of any opposition in Jesus Name.

Friday, 21 December 2018


John 8. 31-32, Galatians 5.1, Daniel 1.8, 2 Timothy 2.10-13
Conviction is the strong belief a believer has in his God and His word which guides and controls his lifestyle i.e. conversations, actions and reactions while compromise is the disagreement to God’s instruction settling for a reduction in the expected standard of His will. There is always an impulse of the Spirit of God which checks the heart (conscience) of the Christian whenever he is about to cross the boundary to the opposite of God’s will. The purpose for which Christ saved and redeemed us is for us to be completely separated from this world and its corruptive system. Therefore, having been converted from sin, the believer is called into a life of complete obedience to God and His words. This must be done both in actions and conversations both in secret and in public as this is the only evidence that we belong to Him.  Jesus made it clear to the Jewish disciples of His that “…If ye continue in my word, then are ye my disciples indeed” (John 8.31).  This was exemplified by Daniel in Babylon, who, despite the fact that he was a slave boy and in a strange land”,… purposed in his heart that he would not defile himself with the portion of the king's meat, nor with the wine which he drank: therefore he requested of the prince of the eunuchs that he might not defile himself”. Compromising our faith in God and our stand for Him is to know God’s will but avoid it or not to do His will with a perfect heart. This is punishable by God and will cost the believer untold hardship at the long run.
Caution against of Compromise among Christians Jeremiah 10.2-3, Leviticus 20.23, Matthew 24:1-13; 2 Timothy 3:1-5; 1 John 2:15-17; Proverbs 22:28; Proverbs 23:10; 24:21-22; Exodus 23:2
The Lord strictly warns us against every form of compromise in the Land. There are various ways by which the system of this world will want to appeal to the believer, but every one of them have damnable consequences from the Lord.  As true children of God, the Lord wants a total separation from the world and all the things that are anti-God and anti-righteousness in it. Deception is number one thing that the devil uses to lure many unsuspecting believers into compromise. Worldliness is a common source of temptation to modern day believer as there are many things in the world that try to call the attention of the believer to distract him from going through with the Lord as the Scriptures affirms that “If any man love the world, the love of the Father is not in him” (1 John 2:15). An attempt to be like other nations like Israel of old (1 Samuel 8:4-6) will not make God happy with us. Fashion of the world is another area where you need to be watchful. Don’t forget that not all things that glister is gold as “...the fashion of this world passeth away” (1 Corinthians 7:31). Unholy ambition is rampant in the world as people are into the rat race of seeking for position, fame, wealth etc. As believers, we need to be wary of these things that can becloud our vision of living with God eternally in the city of life.
Always remember that there are many SHIPS that can take the careless soul to unfriendly and unexpected destination. This include (i) FRIENDSHIP – James 4:4. (ii) PARTNERSHIP - 1 Kings 22:1-4,31-33; 2 Chronicles 20:36-37. (iii) COURTSHIP - Deuteronomy 7:3; 2 Corinthians 6:14-18. (iv) FELLOWSHIP - 2 Corinthians 6:14-18.
CONSEQUENCES AND CALAMITY OF COMPROMISE  Matthew 24.11-12, Luke 21:34-36; 17:32; Genesis 19:26, 1 Kings 13. 18-21, 2 Tim. 4.10, Acts 1. 16-20.

There is need for strict watchfulness as we await the coming of the Lord. In warning His audience against compromise, the Lord Jesus Christ told them to “Remember Lot’s wife(Luke 17:32). Lots wife was warned by the angels, yet she looked back and faced severe eternal consequence. The Young prophet in 1 Kings 13 was told not to eat in the place he was sent to; he was persuaded otherwise by an old prophet in the city. He disobeyed the Lord and perished. Balaam was a charismatic prophet who was recognized to carry an unusual anointing by the people around, he refused God’s perfect will and settled for His permissive will. He died like a rebel on the battle field. Christian beware! Judas allowed the love of money to push him into betraying the Lord; he couldn’t spend a dime from the 30 pieces of silver he collected before he committed suicide. Demas, an associate of Paul the apostle, forsook the people of God and went to the city of Thessalonica not to seek for the lost souls but because he fell in love with this present evil world; he never came back before death struck and he leaped into a hopeless eternity because of mundane things of this world. Don’t forget the 10 virgins; the foolish ones didn’t know they were foolish until they missed the glorious opportunity to enter in with the groom.
Conviction and Consecration of the Conquerors Matthew 24. 13,  Titus 1. 7-9, Daniel 1.8, Daniel 3. 16-28, 1 Kings 22. 12-14, Jeremiah 17., 7-8,
In spite of the growing trend of compromise around the world, the grace of God is very much available to us as believers if we maintain our conviction on God’s word and maintain His standard. Daniel in Babylon maintained his stand and he didn’t defile himself. He stood upon His conviction in godliness, holiness and in prayer and God made him to conquer. The same was the three Hebrew children in Babylon. Micaiah also, was confronted with the compromise to change God’s word of judgement against Ahab, yet he stood upon his conviction and declared Gods word appropriately.  To maintain our conviction, we must be sure we are truly converted and consecrated to the Lord. We must also
v  Be on your guard not to allow temptation to fall you – 1 Peter 5:8; Mark 14:38
v  Maintain your regular quiet time – Mark 1:35
v  Weigh every option before you with God’s unchanging word – Psalms 119:11
v  Make the best use of available spiritual resources – Hebrews 10:25
v  Maintain clean hands and a pure heart – Psalm 24:3,4
v  Maintain a life of holiness everywhere – 1 Peter 1:14-16
v  Practice constant abiding presence of God – Ecclesiastes 12:13-14; Hebrews 4:13
v  Be conscious of heaven all the time – John 14:1-3
v  Be watchful and spiritually alert – Luke 21:36 and Be Prayerful -  Luke 21:36

We all know that we are living in the last days when compromise and backsliding are very rampant, We must maintain strong conviction over sin, Satan and the world so as nore to be entices away from God. The Lord has assured us of abundant reward of His presence and profits in this world and in heaven at the end “He that overcometh shall inherit all things; and I will be his God, and he shall be my son” Revelation 21.7.

Thursday, 13 December 2018

The Challenge from Andrew

The Challenge from Andrew 
Text:    Matt.4. 17-22, John.1.35-42
Andrew was among the first disciples to be called by Christ. He was initially a disciple of John the Baptist but when he saw Jesus and heard Johns comment of Him, He left his master John and followed the Saviour. However, having come to Christ, he went after his own brother Simon Peter and brought him to Jesus. This act gave the church Peter, who eventually became a pillar of the Christian faith until today. The life of Apostle Andrew is full of many challenges. Everywhere he was mentioned in scriptures was about bringing someone to Jesus. He was passionate about soul winning, fervently, faithfully and fruitfully winning souls for the Lord. Believers today must emulate these good qualities in Andrew and bring many more people to the retreat so they could be saved.
The Challenge from Fervent Disciples. Jn. 1. 35-42, John 4. 28-30,
Andrew was a fervent disciple of Christ and was in the forefront of leading others to the Lord. He was never satisfied with his personal salvation and knowledge of the Savior but always seek to bring others to Christ. Fervency in service demands that we utilize every opportunity at our disposal to speak for Christ everywhere. It also requires our boldness to penetrate and break every obstacles so as to make the gospel of Christ known to all. This same zeal was seen in the woman of Samaria at the well who left her water pot to bring others to Christ (John 4. 28-30). Knowing Andrew for this cause, Phillip had to consult him to bring the Greek worshippers to Christ as well. He wasn’t a shy and timid fellow who sits down idle, but was bold and courageous always ready to make Christ known. However, He also knew the invitees and new converts so much that he knew the possession of the lad with five loaves and two fishes. We must identify with our invitees and get very close to them so as to discover their potentials and encourage them to use same for the kingdom service. Following up our converts after the retreat will bring intimate fellowship with them and make us dependable representatives of Christ and of the church to them.  

The Characteristics of Faithful Disciples Matt.28.18-20, Matt. 4.19, John 15. 1-3, John 8. 31-32, Acts. 4.13,
True Disciples of Christ are easy to identify. They strive to be like their master and always do His will. The following are some of the characteristics of a faithful disciple.  (i)  Commitment to the work of God (John 4: 34), (ii)  willingness to do the will of God (John 5:30), (iii) Always follow the Lord and abide in His teaching (John 8:31), (iv)  patterns his life after the master (Matthew 10:24; 1 Peter 2:21), (v) always do things that please God (John 8:29), (vi) A disciple believes the sound teaching of the word and allows it to control his life and (vii) A true disciple continues in the word of God and a (John 8:31), (iv) We also need to mentor them by showing them examples of Christian discipleship by our lifestyle. This could be achieved through teaching and practice through our familiarity with them. Christ taught his disciples how to live as Christians and also showed them how to exercise Christian faith. Paul the Apostle also discipled the Thessalonians believers in this same manner. (1 Thess 1. 7-10). We must charge these new disciples to continue in faith, taking up their cross daily and following Christ. We must also teach and demonstrate to them total trust in God for daily provisions and to set their affections on things above and not on things of the earth and not conforming to the worldly pursuits (Col. 3. 1-3, Rom. 12-1-2). We can only achieve this by fully identifying with them individually and being friendly with them. We must encourage them to study God’s word personally and teach them to meditate on it and to grow in the grace of God and in Christian experiences through constant personal prayer. Finally, it is our responsibility to empower them by enlisting them and giving them opportunities to preach to others and to give generously for the evangelization of others (within and beyond), beginning from the House caring Fellowship.
Considerations of Fruitful Disciples John. 4. 34-37, Isa. 6.1-8, Luke 24.46-48, Luke 11.23, John 4.36, Mark 16.20,
Faithful and fruitful disciples (both new and old) always consecrate their lifetime to the fulfillment of the purpose of Christ. Their daily consideration is to work the work of Christ and to gather with Christ to receive bountiful harvest.

The Lepers of old realized and lamented “We do not well..”(2Kings 7.9), Isaiah caught the vision and exclaimed “Here am I, send me”(Isa 6.8), Paul the Apostle caught it and proclaimed, “Woe is me if I preach not the gospel”,(1Cor 9.16) Jesus declared the servant that knows his masters will and do it not shall be beaten with many stripes (Luke 12.47). What will you declare to your Lord who died for the salvation of the world? Nevertheless, those who obeyed and do the will of the Master will always receive the reward of their obedience (John 4.36), His abiding presence is certain upon all reliable disciples who go forth and preaching the gospel. Their prayers shall be answered, they shall shine like the brightness and stars forever, and whatsoever they do shall prosper. Signs and wonders shall equally follow them and they shall reign with God eternally