Thursday, 30 November 2017

The Believers Unfailing Weapons

The Believers Unfailing Weapons
Text:    2 Cor. 10. 3-5, Ephesians 6. 10-17

The Christian race is full of battles and warfare. This is not limited to the normal secular challenges of life but sometimes spiritual. The scriptures confirm that though we walk in the flesh, we do not war after the flesh. Meaning, though we are human and in the flesh, yet our challenges and battles are not limited to the flesh, our oppositions and enemies are not mere humans, but spiritual beings of wicked forces.  Our warfare are both internal and external. We must earnestly contend against our own fleshly lust, passions and desires (internal); and we also confront wicked forces in high places (external). Wrong targets in warfare results into great loss;  and wrong choice of weapons brings disappointments and defeat. The major enemy of the believer is Satan, the Devil. He is not human but spiritual, yet he uses human elements to attack, oppose and war against believer. He has his cohorts and lieutenants in high wicked places supporting his mission against Christians in all ages and every nation.  To overcome Satan, you must make sure you are born again, and be renewed from this prevailing negative practices in the world. Sin must have been conquered, Self must have been crushed and himself must have been crucified to the Lord. Its only then we can overcome the devil and his agents by deploying the believer's unfailing weapons appropriately.

PI.       DIVERSE BATTLES AGAINST CHRIST’S WORKMEN 2 Cor. 2.11, Eph. 6.12, Esther 3.6,8-9, 1 Kings 13.18, 1 Chronicles 21.1, Matt 4.1-10,
The word device represents crafty plots of the enemy against an individual who gives his/her life to Christ. Note that we wrestle not against flesh and blood though he may appear in human strategy (Eph. 6.12). Their focus is not against your person, but because you had decided for the Lord. The moment you repent of your sins and profess Christ as your Lord and savior, giving your life to him, the battles and challenges becomes different. But the bible says "There are many devices in a man's heart; nevertheless the counsel of the LORD, that shall stand” (Prov. 19.21). As we go through the scriptures, we can see some of their plots against the army of Christ as learn from their examples. This will help us prepare and stand against their wicked tricks and strategies. Note that the devil and his agents are crafty, they will not always come in the same way, but God is assuring us that whichever way they come, they will fail in Jesus name. For instance to the Jews in Shushan, he plotted extermination against Modecai and the Jews riding upon the non readiness of Modecai to reverence him (Esther 3.6,8-9). Deception was devised against the young prophet of Judah (I Kings 13.18). He plotted provocation against David for Israel’s destruction through pride and adamant census (I Chron. 21.1). To Jesus Christ he brought temptations, appealing to his hunger and glory (Matt. 4. 1-10). To Peter, he brought intimidation to deny His master and to later conclude “I go-a-fishing” (Mark 14.68-72). For Paul the Apostle, it was severe beating and excommunication and for the apostles it was persecution to scatter them (Acts 8.1). However, in view of all the crafty nature of our enemy, we must always be endued with the weapons of God for it is only these that can make us unconquerable and invincible to the enemy.

P.II. DESCRIPTIONS OF THE BELIEVER’S WEAPONS Eph. 6. 10-18, 2 Cor. 10.4-6, 1 John 5. 4-5,
The Christian weapons is called in scripture by many names. The weapons of righteousness (2 Cor. 6.7), weapons of light (Rom 13.12), and the weapons of our warfare in our text. These weapons could be categorized into two. There are the defensive weapons used to defend, shield and protect ourselves from the arrows of the enemy. These are helmet of salvation, girdle of truth, breastplate of righteousness, the gospel of peace, the shield of faith and the sword of the Spirit i.e the Word of God. The second class is the offensive weapons used to attack the enemy and conquer in battle. In warfare, we are not only to protect ourselves from their attacks, we are also called to demolish all their strongholds and demonstrate ability to stand firmly in the days of adversity. These two classes of Christian weapons are integrated together and complement each other. A true Christian reads, believes and obey Gods word, and he is automatically preserved by God from dangers. Yet he claims those promises and speaks the Word at the devil, and the plots of the enemy literarily crumbles.  These weapons are powerful because they are spiritual. The church becomes strong when we live righteously and demonstrate power over sin, Satan and the flesh. We must practically resist the devil through our obedience to God’s word (James 4.7). We must subject our thoughts and actions to the obedience of Christ and His will, knowing that nothing is hidden from Him (Titus 2.12). We must also watch our intentions and guide our eyes from every evil appearances that may corrupt us and make us defiled hence becoming vulnerable to Satan (I Thess. 5.22). And lastly avoid every corrupt associations and friendship but separate yourself holy unto the Lord as your master. Then we would be able to declare “the prince of this word cometh and find nothing in me” (John 14.30). However, watchfulness and prayer is the key offensive weapon against the enemy. A true Christian must be ready to pray earnestly to overcome the enemy claiming the words of God and throwing them at the devil as missiles. He must also be in readiness to avenge the devil and exercise authority through the Name of Jesus, the blood of Jesus, the undefeatable power of God, and through the confidence in God’s presence.  Examples in scriptures of such missiles are Isa. 54.14-17 promise of protection from the enemy, Isa 41.11-14 preservation against the gathering of evil forces, Ps 119.165- Prayer for peace in the midst of troubles, Ps. 32.8 Prayer for guidance and direction in time of confusion, Numbers 23.23 Prayer to cancel the devices of Satan, 2 Sam. 15.31 Prayer in time of conspiracy. Prov.18.10- Power through His name, Isa. 43.2-Divine presence, the blood of the lamb Rev.12-11, His delegated authority over demons Luke 10.19.Deliverance from every curse Gal. 3.13. Remember, righteousness of life brings boldness in prayer. Christians in warfare must be ready to pray all forms of prayers – of praises, intercession, authority, power, and all form of prayers should be utilized to completely demolish the strong holds of the devil. The weapon of prayer is further enhanced with fasting. But we must ensure we have total faith in God for it is God the answers and not by power nor by might. (Mark 11.23, James 5.13-15)

P.III.   DOMINION THROUGH BELIEVER’S UNFAILING WEAPONS  Gen.39.12, Daniel 1.8, 6:10, 2 Kings 6. 18-20, Esther 4.16, Acts 13.8-11, Acts 12.5

God always deliver His people from all the onslaughts of the enemy as long as they utilize their weapons appropriately at the right time. As Christ’s ambassadors, Christian soldiers are not supposed to rest on the battle field. Its only the watchful and fully armed soldier that will always conquer the opponent in battle. Sleeping soldiers may fail for the enemy may come while he was unaware. But once we are steadfast, disciplined and watchful in righteousness and holiness, our victory is sure in Jesus Name. Young Joseph was confronted with challenge of immorality, yet he used the helmet of salvation. He fled and had dominion over the flesh. Daniel also in Babylon through prayer and determination avoided the drunkenness and defilement in Babylon to become the well beloved ambassador of God. He had dominion over human satanic conspirators and even the lions. Esther, Mordecai and the Jews through prayer and fasting, overturned the plot of Haman to have dominion over death sentence (Esther 4.16). Elisha through faith in God’s presence and power prayed “God smite this people with blindness, and he captured the host (2 Kings 6.18), Paul the apostle brought judgment to Elymas with word of authority for perverting his convert (Acts 13.8-11). The early church united together in prayer and loose Peter from the chain of death (Acts 12.5), Paul and Silas through prayer of praise got delivered from the prison and from death (Acts 16.26). How about you today. What battles are confronting you, as you learnt about the Christian weapons today, Rise up to the challenge and claim your victory.

Thursday, 23 November 2017


TRETS 23-11-2017
Psalms 34:18; 51:17; Isaiah 57:15

David was a man who knew how to walk with God despite all the challenges he had in his life. His problem started as a result of early success in life as a teenager-warrior who conquered the enemy of Israel at a very tender age because of the envy of King Saul. He went into self-imposed exile when he discovered that his life was in danger. His life in the land of the Philistines was filled with a lot of ups and downs. Something endeared David to God; and that is tenderness of heart also known as brokenness of heart. See him when he cut part of Saul’s skirt, his heart smote him. When he was rebuked for immorality and murder, he confessed, I have sinned. If you compare David with Saul, you’ll see a wide gap between them. When Samuel rebuked him for not being patient enough to wait for him before offering sacrifice, he was concerned about honour before his citizens. When he was also reprimanded for not carrying out God’s instruction to the letter in dealing with the Amalekites, instead of repenting, he was rationalizing his actions by shifting the blames to the soldiers that went to the battle with him. No wonder later David made this submission: “The sacrifices of God are a broken spirit: a broken and a contrite heart, O God, thou wilt not despise” (Psalms 51:17).

1.   The Peril of Hardness of Heart aob 9:4; Exodus 5:1,2; Daniel 4:28-33; 5:1-30; Acts 12:21-23; Jeremiah 19:15; 44:16 

Job asked a probing question in Job 9:4 that, “He is wise in heart, and mighty in strength: who hath hardened himself against him, and hath prospered?” God cherishes brokenness of spirit from man. Some people that hardened themselves against God in the Bible days had to pay dearly for their disobedience. Pharaoh challenged the Almighty and refused to recognize Him. God dealt with him with a lot of calamities, at the end, he forcefully released the children of Israel and perished with his host in the Red Sea. King Nebuchadnezzar heard about a judgement that was coming upon him, he didn’t amend his ways according to Daniel’s recommendation, eventually he had 7 years discipline with a change of heart before he realized that “the most High ruleth in the kingdom of men” (Daniel 4:25). Unfortunately what has been the bane of humanity since creation is man’s failure to always learn from history. His son, Belshazzar knew all that happened to his father, yet chose to tread the same path of rebellion against the God of Heaven (Daniel 5:22). He died in the prime of his life because of his recalcitrant behaviour. Herod thought he was all in all, worms ate him alive (Acts 12:21-23). In the days of Jeremiah, the Israelites walked themselves to the point of no return in their rebellion against the God of their fathers and God determined to bring irreversible evil upon them. They were so audacious enough to confront the prophet and told him in Jeremiah 44:16 that, “As for the word that thou hast spoken unto us in the name of the LORD, we will not hearken unto thee.” You also know the end of their rebellion, 70 years in captivity for the nation, many of them, including their king couldn’t see their native land again as they died in the foreign land. Is there any area of your life where God has been warning you to amend your ways and you have refused to listen to Him? Repent today before it is too late.   

2.   The Practical Disposition That Leads to Brokenness of Heart  1 Kings 21:17-24,27-29; Jonah 3:1-10; 1 Samuel 24:4,5

As wicked As Ahab was, when he heard about God’s judgement that was coming upon his house, he showed a remorse and went softly, as a result of that, God decided to postpone the evil days He spoke about. The people of Nineveh didn’t take God or His messenger for granted, they repented and turned away from their sins immediately they learnt about the looming judgement on the city. David’s heart smote him for cutting the skirt of Saul. His disposition really showed a man that is broken before God. No wonder, God saw him through all his predicaments and he was about to get to the throne.

3.   The Profits And Blessings of Brokenness Isaiah 57:15; James 4:6,7,10; Job 22:29; Proverbs 29:23; Matthew 23:12; 1 Peter 5:6; Psalms 34:18; 51:17

To be broken is to be humble and totally depend on God with simple trust in His sovereignty and ability to rule over one’s life without a rival. Those who are broken before God are also referred to as the humble ones. There are a lot of blessings in being broken and humble before the Lord.
v The broken heart will always enjoy constant touch from God - Isaiah 57:15
v The broken heart will receive more grace from God - James 4:6,7,10
v Divine elevation from God - Job 22:29; Matthew 23:12
v Divine honour - Proverbs 29:23
v Divine intervention in his hour of need - Psalms 34:18
v The broken heart will always enjoy divine attention - Psalms 51:17
v The broken heart will always enjoy fellowship with God - Isaiah 57:15

Thursday, 2 November 2017



Prayer is the greatest potential the church has today. It has accomplished the supernatural in time past and still highly potent today. However, much more lies in the power of Intercession where a believer, filled with passion and burden for others, brings their needs to the Almighty. He intercedes to God on behalf of fellow man. He stands in the gap between his heavenly father and earthly man. He pours out the need of the man, may be near or far away, to the feet of the all-seeing, and all-capable God, who is also ever ready to answer. He turns the hand that holds the universe in the favour and in direction of the needy, making him a beneficiary of an unprecedented intervention of God's favor in the crucial situation. God needs such men today, who would stand in the Gap to deliver men and women from the bonds of Satan, sin, and sicknesses and to pray them fruitfully in the kingdom of the Almighty. May He find you like He finds Moses, discover you as He did Abraham and conquer your will as he did for Paul the Apostle. Powerful intercessors are men and women of new birth experience, the holiness of life and character, obedience to God's words, and listeners to the voice of the Spirit, strong faith in God’s promises. They are selfless, disciplined; caring for other's needs and always ready to convert their burden for others into the passion to have problems solved. Their lives are filled with power to do exploit because they do know their Gods. I pray you will be part of this list of the army in this end-time in Jesus name.
Proverbs 28:13, 2 Corinthians 5:17, Psalm 24:1-4, Hebrews 11:6

 To be effective in prayer of intercession, we must (i) Repent from sin and surrender our lives to Christ (2 Corinthians 5:17), (ii) Be obedient to the word of God (Deuteronomy 28:1), (iii) Maintain a clean hand and a pure heart before the Lord and before men (Psalm 24:1-4), (iv) Exercise unwavering faith in God’s promises (Hebrews 11:6), (v) There must be a band of unity, love and cooperation among church members and families who pry together (Amos 3:3, Mathew 18:19), (vi) We must be importunate in our prayers (Luke 18:1)

Isaiah 40:28-31, Gen 18, 23-32, 1 Kings 18. 41-45
Effective Christian service and victory in Christian living come through the power of prayer of intercession. Abraham’s intercession for Sodom delivered Lot and his family from the burning city, Elijah’s intercession for Israel brought a mighty rain in times of famine. Power of Intercession turns the hand of God into the present situation of the needy irrespective of distance or time and it does the miraculous such as: 
i.  Solves life’s problems.
ii.                 Lifts up great burdens
iii.              Makes difficult tasks simple
iv.               Makes our fears to vanish away
v. Makes Satan and his host to become paralyzed and harmless.
vi .               Breaks natural laws and makes God to do the impossible for us.

Intercession brings Salvation of souls and revival of the believers.

3.     PROMISE OF ANSWER TO OUR PRAYER OF INTERCESSION (Ps. 50.15, Jeremiah 29.12,              
God answers prayers. Examples of people who received answer to their prayers in the Bible includes; Abraham, Moses, (Exodus 15:24, 25), Joshua, Gideon, Hannah, Samuel, Elijah, Elisha, Paul, Peter, James etc.
Gods promises cuts across our Spiritual and Physical needs.
1.     On Salvation, God promised to save us from sin (Mathew 1:21) and to forgive us when we repent (1 John 1:9)
2.     On Healing; the Lord promised not only to keep us Healthy but also to heal us (Exodus 15:26).
3.     On Promotion, he promised to make us the Head and not the Tail (Deuteronomy 28:13)

4.     On Sanctification, God promised to sanctify us wholly (1 Thessalonians 5:23) and give the Holy Ghost baptism to those that thirst (John 7:37-39). Other promises are his divine protection and our inheriting Heaven and reigning with Christ forever and ever.