Wednesday, 26 October 2016


Text:    Ephesians 6. 10-17,                                                                                   October 27, 2016
The Christian race is full of warfare for which we need the full armour of God. This is not limited to the normal secular challenges of life but sometimes spiritual. The scriptures confirm that though we walk in the flesh, we do not war after the flesh. Meaning though we are human and in the flesh, yet our challenges and battles are not limited to the flesh, our oppositions and enemies are not mere humans, but spiritual beings of wicked forces.  Our warfare are both internal and external. We must earnestly contend against our own fleshly lust, passions and desires (internal); and we also confront wicked forces in high places (external). Wrong targets in warfare results into great loss; and wrong choice of armour bring disappointments and defeat. The major enemy of the believer is Satan, the Devil. He is not human but spiritual, yet he uses human elements to attack, oppose and war against believer. He has his agents and lieutenants in high wicked places supporting his mission against Christians in all ages and every nation.  To overcome Satan, you must make sure you are born again, and be renewed from this prevailing negative practices in the world. Sin must have been conquered, Self must have been crushed and himself must have been crucified to the Lord. It’s only then we can experience complete victory over the devil and his agents using our full armour.

COMMON WARFARE OF CHRISTIANS 2 Cor. 2.11,  2Pet. 2.11, Luke 21.34, Eph. 6.12, Esther 3.6,8-9, 1 Kings 13.18, 1 Chron 21.1, Matt 4.1-10,
The word device represents crafty plots of the enemy against an individual who gives his/her life to Christ. Note that we wrestle not against flesh and blood though he may appear in human strategy (Eph. 6.12). Their focus is not against your person, but because you had decided for the Lord. Firstly, the devil doesn’t want anyone to be saved. His intention is to keep everyone under his bondage, but the moment you repent of your sins and profess Christ as your Lord and savior, giving your life to him, the battles and challenges becomes different. He engages believers in warfare through the lust of the flesh. Therefore believers must be watchful (1 Peter. 2.11.) As we go through the scriptures, we can see some of their plots against the army of Christ as learn from their examples. This will help us prepare and stand against their wicked tricks and strategies. Note that the devil and his agents are crafty, they will not always come in the same way, but God is assuring us that whichever way they come, they will fail in Jesus name. For instance to the Jews in Shushan, he plotted extermination against Modecai and the Jews riding upon the non readiness of Modecai to reverence him (Esther 3.6,8-9). Deception was devised against the young prophet of Judah (I Kings 13.18). He plotted provocation against David for Israel’s destruction through pride and adamant census (I Chron. 21.1). To Jesus Christ he brought temptations, appealing to his hunger and glory (Matt. 4. 1-10). To Peter, he brought intimidation to deny His master and to later conclude “I go-a-fishing” (Mark 14.68-72). For Paul the Apostle, it was severe beating and excommunication and for the apostles it was persecution to scatter them (Acts 8.1). However, in view of all the crafty nature of our enemy, we must always be endued with the armour of God for it is only these that can make us unconquerable and invincible to the enemy.

The Christian armour is called in scripture by many names. The armour of righteousnss (2 Cor. 6.7), armour of light (Rom 13.12), and the weapons of our warfare in our text. These weapons could be categorized into two. There are the defensive weapons used to defend, shield and protect ourselves from the arrows of the enemy. These are helmet of salvation, girdle of truth, breastplate of righteousness, the gospel of peace, the shield of faith and the sword of the Spirit i.e the Word of God. The second class is the offensive weapons used to attack the enemy and conquer in battle. In warfare, we are not only to protect ourselves from their attacks, we are also called to demolish all their strongholds and demonstrate ability to stand firmly in the days of adversity. These two classes of Christian armour are integrated together and complement each other. A true Christian reads, believes and obey Gods word, and he is automatically preserved by God from dangers. Yet he claims those promises and speak the Word at the devil, and the plots of the enemy literarily crumbles.  These weapons are powerful because they are spiritual. The church becomes strong when we live righteously and demonstrate power over sin, Satan and the flesh. We must practically resist the devil through our obedience to God’s word (James 4.7). We must subject our thoughts and actions to the obedience of Christ and His will, knowing that nothing is hidden from Him (Titus 2.12). We must also watch our intentions and guide our eyes from every evil appearances that may corrupt us and make us defiled hence becoming vulnerable to Satan (I Thess. 5.22). And lastly avoid every corrupt associations and friendship but separate yourself holy unto the Lord as your master. Then we would be able to declare “the prince of this word cometh and find nothing in me” (John 14.30). However, watchfulness and prayer is the key offensive weapon against the enemy. A true Christian must be ready to pray earnestly to overcome the enemy claiming the words of God and throwing them at the devil as missiles. He must also be in readiness to avenge the devil and exercise authority through the Name of Jesus, the blood of Jesus, the undefeatable power of God, and through the confidence in God’s presence.  Examples in scriptures of such missiles are Isa. 54.14-17 promise of protection from the enemy, Isa 41.11-14 preservation against the gathering of evil forces, Ps 119.165- Prayer for peace in the midst of troubles, Ps. 32.8 Prayer for guidance and direction in time of confusion, Numbers 23.23 Prayer to cancel the devices of Satan, 2 Sam. 15.31 Prayer in time of conspiracy. Prov.18.10- Power through His name, Isa. 43.2-Divine presence, the blood of the lamb Rev.12-11, His delegated authority over demons Luke 10.19.Deliverance from every curse Gal. 3.13. Remember, righteousness of life brings boldness in prayer. Christians in warfare must be ready to pray all forms of prayers – of praises, intercession, authority, power, and all form of prayers should be utilized to completely demolish the strong holds of the devil. The weapon of prayer is further enhanced with fasting. But we must ensure we have total faith in God for it is God the answers and not by power nor by might. (Mark 11.23, James 5.13-15).

COMPLETE VICTORY THROUGH PRAYER AND WATCHFULNESS  Gen.39.12, Daniel 1.8, 6:10, 2 Kings 6. 18-20, Esther 4.16, Acts 13.8-11, Acts 12.5

God always deliver His children from all the plots of the enemy as long as they utilize their armour appropriately at the right time. As Christ’s ambassadors, Christian soldiers are not supposed to rest on the battle field. Its only the watchful and fully armed soldier that will always conquer the opponent in battle. Sleeping soldiers may fail for the enemy may come while he was unaware. But once we are steadfast, disciplined and watchful in righteousness and holiness, our victory is sure in Jesus Name. Young Joseph was confronted with challenge of immorality, yet he used the helmet of salvation. He fled and had dominion over the flesh. Daniel also in Babylon through prayer and determination avoided the drunkenness and defilement in Babylon to become the well beloved ambassador of God. He had dominion over human satanic conspirators and even the lions. Esther, Mordecai and the Jews through prayer and fasting, overturned the plot of Haman to have dominion over death sentence (Esther 4.16). Elisha through faith in God’s presence and power prayed “God smite this people with blindness, and he captured the host (2 Kings 6.18), Paul the apostle brought judgment to Elymas with word of authority for perverting his convert (Acts 13.8-11). The early church united together in prayer and loose Peter from the chain of death (Acts 12.5), Paul and Silas through prayer of praise got delivered from the prison and from death (Acts 16.26). How about you today. What battles are confronting you, as you learnt about the Christian armour today, Rise up to the challenge and claim your victory.

Thursday, 13 October 2016


TRETS 13SEPT16             THE CRY OF THE LOST        Lk .15. 11-24, Lk. 16.23-31
The lost are the sinners in the world. They are like the prodigal son who strayed away from his father’s home. They are lost because they once belonged to the father (by creation) before they were deceived by Satan (through sin) and damned in the world. They are in the far country of famine; fetish practices and idol worship. Many of them are even in other places of worship but their hearts are too far from God. The lost are in several categories. While some are like the prodigal son who wept in time of adversity and returned to the father, others had been deluded with fame, wealth and power that they didn’t think of their latter end. They are lost spiritually as sinners in this world and if they are not reached before they die, they would be lost eternally in hell fire. The story of Lazarus and the rich man brings to us the depth of agony and lamentation of the lost soul. Though he lived sumptuously in this world, the rich man couldn’t remember any of his riches in eternity. The flames and the burning heat of hell was so devastating that he cried for a drop of cold water to cool his tongue but was denied. It was then he realized, Alas! It is finished! All hope is lost! All help is gone! Life is wasted and hell is a reality. He cried, but it was too late. What a loss! What a calamity and what regret that life would be no more. No second chance, no other opportunity, its weeping and crying forever. Believers are to rise up promptly to seek them before this final tragedy because failure to do so would amount to wasting the Saviours resources and becoming partakers of the sinner’s blood. Therefore, if the Christians of today will not be lost like the sinners, we all need to wake up from our slumber and consecrate ourselves to the commands of our Master reaching out to the lost sinners with the gospel message.

THE CONDITIONS OF THE SINNERS.    Rom.1. 28-30, Isa. 33.14, Ezek.34.5, Eph. 2.12, Luke 16.19, Jeremiah 8:20; Matt. 9:36; Luke 15:17; Proverbs 13:21, Rev. 20:11-15.
The sinful man is wretched and hopeless.  Although some of them are religious, yet they are restless having neither hope (hopeless) in this life nor in eternity. They live in fear day after day because once death comes; they know not what lies ahead of them. The sinners are always living under the wrath and damnation of the almighty God.  They are scattered and are prey to the enemy. They have no strength to overcome Satan who keeps them in perpetual captivity. Completely, they are separated from peace and safety. We need to pity them and have compassion on them. This compassion must lead us to lead them to the loving savior who is able to redeem them from their indignation and wretchedness. Unfortunately, they have limited time now, and Satan is targeting them to take them to hell. Will you allow him? Will you feel unconcerned; won’t you think of Christ’s suffering and death for them? Listen to their cry from hell for help, but it may be too late if you delay. If Jesus had saved us and redeemed us in His mercy and grace, we must have compassion on the sinners as well, and we must go and be deeply committed to bringing them back to the Lord.

Mark 16:19, 20; John 4: 34; 9:4; Romans 1:14-16; Acts 20: 24; 21:13, 14; 26:19, 20;

The condition of the lost must lead us to be compassionate on them. Our compassion must further bring out commitment from our heart and life to rescue the perishing sinners. Soul-winning is a product of strong consecration and commitment. The word of Christ, “And he said unto them, Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature” (Mark 16:15) deserves every believer’s attention. Preaching the gospel and winning souls for Christ should not be stopped by some would be event. Paul the apostle affirmed his commitment by saying “But none of these things move me, neither count I my life dear unto myself, so that I might finish my course with joy, and the ministry, which I have received of the Lord Jesus, to testify the gospel of the grace of God”. (Acts 20:24). The soul-winner should be: (1) Undeterred by some prevailing responses -Acts 13:46 (2) Unsatisfied by the present result- “…there is room” (Luke 14:22,23) (3) Unveiling places and people ready for repentance (John 4:35)

It is also important to understand that the mandate is one that must be done constantly, “Preach the word; be instant in season, out of season…” (II Timothy 4:2). And continuously because- (i) The time is running out (John 9:4); (ii) The fields are ripe for harvest (John 4:34-35; Joel 3:14); (iii) The repentance of a sinner causes Joy in Heaven (Luke 15:10); (iv) The time of the Lord’s coming is unknown to man“…for ye know not what hour your Lord doth come” (Matthew 24:42); (v) The unfathomable torment awaiting sinners in Hell (Matthew 25: 30, 46). Remember Christ our perfect example during his earthly ministry was always busy with this divine mandate of soul-winning (John 4:34), hence, believers must emulate this example and ensure faithfulness to this indispensable mandate

Luke 10:1, 2, 17-19; Psalm 126:5, 6; John 4:35, 36; 1 Corinthians 3:6-8; 1Timothy 5:18

"In all labour there is profit!" (Proverbs 14:23). However, the reward for faithful laborers in the harvest of souls is incomparable with any earthly reward or material gain. It is an eternal investment that yields great dividends in spite of famine or flood. Whatever you invest in the saving of souls will be returned to you a hundredfold. "And they that be wise shall shine as the brightness of the firmament; and they that turn many to righteousness as the stars for ever and ever” (Daniel 12:3).

Soul-winning is indeed rewarding on earth and eternally with a glorious, worthy and impressive crown, “…for the labourer is worthy of his hire” (Luke 10:7). There is no expenditure too expensive, no demand too difficult, no commitment too costly and no labour too large and no sacrifice too superfluous.  Henceforth there is laid up for me a crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous judge, shall give me at that day: and not to me only, but unto all them also that love his appearing” (2 Timothy 4:8). Moreover, the sight of won souls in that great gathering of the saints on the final day will be awesome (Revelation 7:9-17).  Our Lord’s final commendation “well done” will be a comforting pearl for all soul winners. Our Savour and Lord Jesus Christ will gloriously crown the soul winner and he will among others: (1) Wear a glorious crown – I Peter 5:4; Daniel 12:3 (2) Win a great commendation - Matthew 25:21,23 (3) Walk on the street of gold - Revelation -21:21.

Thursday, 6 October 2016


TRUE FREEDOM IN CHRIST John 8. 30-36                                   06Oct2016
Freedom had been described as the state of being at liberty to act, move, speak or perform without any restraint or hindrance. True freedom therefore is the ability to enjoy liberty physically, emotionally, spiritually and financially. True freedom is always desired by everyone. Man was created in freedom and was given liberty to enjoy all the amenities of Eden until Satan lured him into bondage and stole the freedom away (Jn. 10.10).  Since then, man through this enticement was sold into bondage of sin, sickness and satanic affliction. Many people today are still in this bondage though they have tried several ways to regain freedom. Unfortunately, many do not even know they are under any bondage. They are ignorant of their partial or complete bondage to Satan and his agents. This was the problem of the Jewish leaders as expressed in their dialogue with the Savior. True freedom can only be obtained in Christ Jesus. It’s the complete removal of all the root of bondage with its power and penalties, and permanent liberation into original dominion proclaimed by the Almighty God.
Description of the Dilemma and Trauma of Bondage. Rom. 7. 14-20, John 8.34, Jer. 50.33,
Bondage and captivity (or yokes) always have related characteristics. Their subjects and victims are always groaning in pain and suffering against their personal wish. The cry of such victims had always been like the text “who shall deliver me…” There is always an oppressor (visible or invisible) who exerts evil tyranny and dominion over them. These oppressor(s) never wanted their servants to be free, therefore they always make life miserable to them. Israel suffered greatly in Egypt, and later under the Assyrians and Babylonians for reasons they knew not. The following are some of the characteristics of bondage and captivity in a person’s life: (1) Every sinner is under the bondage of Satan. (ii) Repeated backsliding even at the expense of shame and reproach. (iii) When a person suddenly discovered retrogressions (backwardness) and stagnancy on steps that usually bring progress, (iv) when there is repeated severe labour with meager or no reward, (v) when there is regular disappointments, disasters and death either of life, business, marriage and family, (vi) when you observe a form of sickness or disease that seems to have defied medications in spite of all your resources. (vii) When there is an unexpected hindrance (e.g accident, or even satanic hold ups which always cause delay in an achievement of a seemingly easy task making its success a mirage. All these are indications of bondage in someone’s life.
Sin and ignorance are the main causes of bondage. While some enter into bondage through negative decisions taken ignorantly, some others sell their birthrights of liberty through covetousness (e.g get-rich quick), immoral friendship and relationship, solution seeking through illicit means and messengers (e.g occults) etc. These are lawful captives who sold themselves into bondage. This is very common today among our youth     
Declarations of Deliverance and Total Freedom. John 8.32, 36; John 10.10, Isa. 49.24-26, Isa 10.27, 14.25, Jeremiah 40.4, Luke 4.18
The divine declaration is sure and certain “if the Son therefore shall make you free, ye shall be free in deed”. Jesus did not just want to set us free, but to make us free. Many are looking for people to set them free. But they soon realize they enter into another bondage. But True freedom comes when Christ makes the captive (sinner) free. He is completely free from both the internal and external bondage. Christ knew and had purchased the requirements of our freedom. The process of liberty if two fold. Its either through over-powering the oppressor and setting its captives free (Luke 11.21-22), or appeasing the oppressor making a compromise for the captive’s release. For our own freedom, Christ fulfilled all these laws. (i) By overpowering the Devil on the cross declaring “it is finished” and secondly appeasing the Almighty God through His sacrificial death (Col 2. 13-15) and by so, He only can make anyone completely free. In His declaration, He has come to give life abundantly. His freedom is Total and complete in that He gives liberation to the complete man: soul, spitrit and body. Life is freedom from death, freedom from suffering, freedom from Satanic afflictions and freedom from all sicknesses.
Determination and Steps for True Freedom.  Matt. 11.28, Acts 19.19, 2 Cor 6. 17, James 4.4, Gal. 5.1, Ps 91.1
There is need for strong determination and desire for freedom in the heart of the captive. He must also take definite steps that will not only get him out but that will keep him permanently.
 (i)Repent from all your sins and trespasses. Acts 17.30, (ii) Receive Christ as your Lord and Saviour, (iii) Resolve to live in Righteousness and never to be defiled any more (Dan. 1.8). (iv) Reject all the works of the devil, (v) Renounce all secret societies and associations (2Cor.6.17), (vi) Receive God’s promises by faith (Heb 10.23), Remain under God’s protection, presence and power (Zech 2.5, Ps 91.1)

Effective fervent prayer is essential for deliverance and dominion from the hands of the devil claiming God’s promises all the way.